Experts say number of galaxies in universe may be significantly less than earlier estimate – IOTW Report

Experts say number of galaxies in universe may be significantly less than earlier estimate

Downgraded from trillions to hundreds of billions.

44 Comments on Experts say number of galaxies in universe may be significantly less than earlier estimate

  1. Bob M.
    JANUARY 17, 2021 AT 3:05 PM
    “Q. You know what you get, when you mix science and politics?

    A. Politics.”

    …if you put a drop of wine in a barrel of sewage, you get sewage.

    If you put a drop of sewage in a barrel of wine, you again get sewage.

    Same thing.

    …it’s always easier to pull down than build up.

    Democrats prove that every day, and mostly on purpose…

  2. A buddy of mine had a Galaxy.
    I needed a burn barrel (55 gallon drum).
    He picked it up for me – put it in the trunk of his Galaxy – and it closed!
    Biggest trunk I have ever seen – bigger than Jumbo’s.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s all part of the universal balance equation. Estimates of Human Stupidity are vastly greater than originally thought, hence the number of galaxies must be smaller to make room…

  4. Today has so muddled the “science” that it has become a laughingstock of reason. The ancient philosophers and thinkers would be aghast at how stupid the world has become! I have loved astronomy since I was a youngster, but with these new age astronomers I am reluctant to listen to any of their gibberish! That godawful pseudo astrophysicist, Carl Sagan nailed the lid on the coffin of that so called science. For the record I am a firm believer in the Genesis 1 and 2 account of the creation of everything, and refuse to accept the unscientific “Big Bang” theory.

  5. Response to MJA comment at 4:21 p.m.^^^
    Your comment reminded me of the error in the Hubble Telescopes’ objective lens when it was put into orbit. An expensive repair had to be performed to correct its astigmatism. Everything man makes is subject to error, including the “science” of statistics! Only God is perfect, the rest of us are plagued with erroneous logic due to sin. That is just the reason why we need the correction that only the crucified and risen Savior can provide! Thank God for His grace and sending His Son into this messed up world!

  6. F4UCorsair
    JANUARY 17, 2021 AT 4:19 PM
    “Put these scientists to work on counting actual votes. I don’t care about the number of galaxies, just give me a true number of votes.”

    …sure, right after we get a TRUE count of ACTUAL Coronavirus deaths…

  7. “Experts say … “

    … that they haven’t a clue about what they’re currently talking about

    remember ‘Expert’, pronounced correctly: ‘Ex’ – the unknown quantity, & ‘spurt’ – a drip under pressure

  8. …we can never know.

    …here’s why…

    “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

    There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”
    -Douglas Adams, “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe”

  9. @Bob M. – I’m gonna go out a limb here.

    I notice that your reply to Deplorable Second Class’s comment, “…if they have all the answers, answer me this how many big bangs have there been???…”, didn’t get the reaction that I thought it deserved.

    “…I’ve been married for almost 25 years now – the wife and I are at 44 and counting…The LAST one was in 2005, though… ”

    I don’t care who you are, that was funny. But, maybe that’s my unique sense of humor.

  10. The hands down finest automobile ever designed is the 1969 Galaxies 500. Without any doubt what so ever. No contest at all.

    The radio is on the driver’s left side. The only thing any passenger attempting to mess with the radio controls is going to accomplish is bite marks in their arm.

    My mother had one and it was a dream come true.

  11. Well, you ,guys/gals/he-shes, made my day. I got away from politics for a time. I’ve been married 4 times and I have long lost count of bangs. Maybe I should start the bang counting over. “Honey, where are you”

  12. @Deplorable2ndClass

    I’ll take a shot at a serious answer. 3

    Nothing -> inanimate matter
    inanimate matter -> life
    life -> consciousness

    Science can explain none of these transitions.

  13. This estimate is based on the observable universe? What about the universe beyond what can be seen today? Will this estimate increase exponentially as we are able to observe beyond the limitations we are now experiencing?

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