Explosion Destroys Part of Crimea Bridge, Disrupts Russian Forces’ Supply Route – IOTW Report

Explosion Destroys Part of Crimea Bridge, Disrupts Russian Forces’ Supply Route

Zelenskyy and other Ukrainian officials have also previously stated that Ukraine will use force to retake Crimea.

Epoch Times:
Russian authorities said that a massive explosion involving a truck on Saturday caused a fire and destroyed a section of a bridge linking Russia and Crimea, killing at least three people. The bridge is regarded as a key supply route for Russian troops in southern Ukraine.

The Crimean Bridge—also called Kerch Strait Bridge or Kerch Bridge—is a structure 19 kilometers (12 miles) in length that passes across the Kerch Strait and links southern Russia to the Crimean Peninsula. The Kerch Strait links the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

A truck exploded on the bridge around 6 a.m. local time. Russia’s National Anti-Terrorism Committee announced that the explosion caused a fire on the parallel rail section, where seven railway cars carrying fuel caught fire. The blast also caused a “partial collapse of two sections of the bridge.”

The Russian Investigative Committee said in a statement that the incident killed at least three people, “presumably the passengers of a car that was driving by the truck that exploded on the bridge.” more

13 Comments on Explosion Destroys Part of Crimea Bridge, Disrupts Russian Forces’ Supply Route

  1. I’m kinda concerned that “fucked around & found out” could involve um,…NUCLEAR FUCKING WEAPONS!

    Fair well and aideu to ye fair Spanish maidens…

  2. I remember conversations with my grandparents about the world war and the depression.
    I thought I was learning history.
    Now I’m thinking they were helping me get prepared.

  3. Just another provocation trying to get Russia to escalate in retaliation and throw them off their plan. Traffic has already been restored on a section on the roadway and a section of the railway.

    And as with the pipelines, NATO/Ukraine has threatened attacks for years. No big surprise to Russia that this happened, and no big strategic loos either, as Russia never made the Kerch bridge a linchpin of their military transport.

    But Ukraine had a nifty postage stamp all ready to go immediately after the attack, so there’s that, I guess. To bad the attack was half-assed. Sorry, Ukraine, you still don’t get to make the schedule.

    And what’s up—or should I say down— with those Starlink satellites? Is there a problem? Maubecyou’d better call the guy you told to f—k off.


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