EXPOSED: Anti-Cop Agitator Martin Gugino Belongs to the Communist Catholic Worker Movement – IOTW Report

EXPOSED: Anti-Cop Agitator Martin Gugino Belongs to the Communist Catholic Worker Movement

RAIR: Martin Gugino, 75, gained global attention for getting shoved after approaching police attempting to subdue a riot, as reported at RAIR Foundation USA. While the mainstream media is painting an image of Gugino as a kind elderly man who belongs to the “Catholic Worker” movement and so therefore must be exceptionally loving and peaceful, a cursory look at the organization reveals that the Catholic Worker movement is a long-time radical group.

Gugino’s activities with the Catholic Worker movement were touted by prominent leftists as proof of his kindness and light hereherehere, and here.

Some well-established dog whistles for communists include anything with the words “Peace” (e.g., Peace Center), “Solidarity,” “People’s”, “Social Justice,” “Struggle,” “Activist,” “Forward,” and “Worker”.

The Catholic Worker Movement

The Catholic Worker Movement was founded in 1933 by Dorothy Day with her socialist comrade Peter Maurin. Like famous figures Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes, H.G. Wells, Havelock Ellis, George Bernard Shaw, Martin Luther King, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Helen Keller and Rosa Parks, Dorothy Day’s extreme leftist beliefs have become progressively scrubbed over the decades as leftist revisionist historians work to mainstream the most radical among us. more

18 Comments on EXPOSED: Anti-Cop Agitator Martin Gugino Belongs to the Communist Catholic Worker Movement

  1. Liberation theology is his religion and it is among the most damnable of damnable heresies. It is pure unadulterated filth that’s purpose is to transform the sin of envy into a virtue.

    “Liberation theology addresses economic and social issues by promoting divisions in society and by encouraging envy. This does nothing to ameliorate material deprivation.”

    Liberation theologians and ANTIFA are both invested in sewing and weaponizing envy. There really is no difference in the two except the audience they sell their bullshit

  2. “It makes me think of the communism of the early Christians ”

    There was no “communism” with “early Christians” with one exception and that was when Christians agreed to flee Jerusalem prior to the complete destruction by Titus in 70 AD and foretold by Jesus. They agreed to sell their property and pool it but it NEVER occured anywhere else.

    Fact is reliance on the “State” wasn’t considered a sin. It was THE sin. Just read the end of Deuteronomy. Well, at least it is right up there with “immolating you children to Ammon”

    Interestingly enough the Bible isn’t taught in Siminary, even today, so it is understandable that communism creeps in to the Church with the weak minded that choose it as a profession in as much they can’t get a job anywhere else so apply for the free meal ticket with the clergy.

  3. Communism and Catholicism are not compatible.

    John Paul II worked with Reagan, Thacher, & Polish people against communism.

    The imposter Pope Frankie, not so much.

  4. There are lots of bitter old lefties who pose as harmless grandparents for photo ops, after a lifetime of radical thought and action.

    Catholicism and communism are incompatible, as one is based on Mass, the individual, and charity, while the other seeks to control the masses by force and theft. But atheist communists are all too happy to use the structure of the Church and the gullibility of the faithful to their own ends. If they succeed, they will loot and destroy the churches faster than you can say ‘Confederate statue.’

  5. @ Little Morphin’ Annie JUNE 13, 2020 AT 1:03 PM

    Tell me about it. These dried out old Marxist pieces of shit have been stirring up trouble around the Puget Sound region for five or six decades. I can’t stand ‘em.

  6. The Bible is the best source of Conservatives values and practices.
    The left has learned, after many years of trying, they cannot change our belief in the Bible. Therefore, they must rewrite the Bible to fit their agenda.
    The Churches who exchange rewritten Religious Doctrine for money are as corrupt as the Democrat Party.
    What is being preached in many churches today is nothing more than communism and marxism. Just another part of our lives and history defiled by Democrats.

  7. “Catholic communist” – – That’s rich. Commies can never just come right out and say what they are. They are adverse to telling the truth while HAVING to lie.

  8. There were a few reasons why I gladly QUIT the Cat-Lick Cult after 55 years of brainwashing. I’m now a very happy Southern Baptist.

    Reason #1 Pope Frank (WTF???)
    #2 Liberation Theology
    #3 rampant paederasty
    #4 rampant faggotry


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