Exposed: Richard Cordray Texts Contain Worrying CFPB-Lobbyist Connections – IOTW Report

Exposed: Richard Cordray Texts Contain Worrying CFPB-Lobbyist Connections

DC: Text messages obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) show director Richard Cordray’s communications with Clinton donor and lobbyist Eileen Mancera.

The Daily Caller exclusively broke news of Richard Cordray’s likely illegal use of a private device for communications with other CFPB staffers last month, concealing his messages from FOIA requests.

Documents exclusively obtained by TheDC show that Cordray used a private device for communications and seemingly did not back them up or copy an official device, thus attempting to conceal them from private view. Now, it seems Cordray was attempting to use a private device to conceal his messages–to conceal communications with high-level lobbyists and donors.


It is not clear if President Trump is able to fire Cordray at will, but he can, however, be removed with cause.



5 Comments on Exposed: Richard Cordray Texts Contain Worrying CFPB-Lobbyist Connections

  1. PDJT needs to DTS.
    President Donald J Trump needs to drain the swamp.
    Obama had a massive covert government whose soul purpose was to plot against We the People.
    The EPA had whole strings of hidden correspondence, using fake names on private e-mail accounts, in order to plot against us with no traceability.
    The IRS routinely attacked conservative law-abiding citizens.
    The CFPB, whose purpose in life was supposed to be protection of the citizens, is conducting secret communications with Leftist lobbyists. Why? They were probably plotting against us citizens.
    I’m not even getting into the spy agencies spying on us.
    Or the State Department looking out for global interests over America’s.
    PDJT needs to DTS.

  2. Cordray can be removed for cause, eh?

    He’s a filthy Democrat, appointed by the usurper Obama henceforth forever known as President 44*. There’s your cause right there. Shitcan the motherfucker.

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