Exposing Eric Holder’s Obstruction of Justice – IOTW Report

Exposing Eric Holder’s Obstruction of Justice

AT: Have they no shame?  Just days before it was announced that documents regarding the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal were to be released after being hidden for six years under executive  privilege, there was former Obama attorney general Eric Holder responding to a question on Bill Maher’s show:

“Did you protect President Obama?” Maher asked Holder on Friday.

The former attorney general drew applause from the studio audience when he quipped: “The difference between me and Jeff Sessions is, I had a president I did not have to protect.”

Holder had used nearly the same line in an interview with The Washington Post last month.  Maher didn’t challenge him to defend it, but some critics have accused Holder of protecting Obama for years.

In 2012, Holder became the first sitting attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress – in a 255-to-67 vote – for refusing to turn over documents related to a botched gun-running investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Holder did have a president to protect, as well as himself, partners in a criminal scheme to run guns into Mexico and into the hands of Mexican drug lords, guns that led to the deaths of border agents Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata.  He was protecting a president who recently made his own self-serving and false claimMORE HERE

19 Comments on Exposing Eric Holder’s Obstruction of Justice

  1. Eric “contempt of congress” Holder
    Lois “5th amendment” Lerner
    Susan “It was a YouTube video” Rice
    Loretta “How are the grandkids” Lynch

    No they weren’t protecting a president either…

  2. There’s a whole bunch of scum like him who need to be huddling with their high-price defense attorneys and saying, “no comment”, instead of tweeting and talking on TV.

  3. It is good some of the docs will be released but my inner cynic says that it won’t be all of them. Too many sympathisizers within the DOJ have had too long to get rid of important incriminating evidence.

    Also, it is disappointing to see that F&F a/k/a Operation Gunwalker is still described as a botched operation designed to track guns across the border and into cartel hands. There was no serious attempt to track any of the approx. 2,000 guns the ATF allowed to be purchased by straw buyers. And because the purpose wasn’t to track the guns but instead to allow them to fall into violent criminal hands in order to bolster the specious argument that more laws were needed to stem the flow of guns from the U.S. to Mexico, it was actually an operation to deliberately violate gun purchase laws and laws against exporting weapons to foreign countries in order to gin up a public outcry and to spur congressional action.

    Let’s see: violate laws resulting in injury to and death of innocent people in order to influence policy and politics. In anybody’s dictionary, that is the essence of terrorism.

  4. Reminder: The elite face no consequences.
    6 years of obstructing justice, rewriting interviews, deleting e-mails, destroying evidence by the partisan DOJ and the corrupt FBI.

    Those who control the evidence rule, direct and sway the course of justice.

  5. I hate to be a negative Nellie but I’m sorry folks there is no “it” here. Holder has a better chance of flapping his arms and flying then he does of being indicted much less spending any quality time behind bars. None of the Obama criminal cabal will see jail time. There is just not enough political will power on the part of Republicans to make it happen. I know, Trump will scream (and Twitter) and Sessions will seem to make all the proper motions but in the end none of them will lose their pensions much less go to jail. Some low level WH or DOJ file clerk might do time but none of the serious characters will. It’s for the good of the country doncha you know! I do sincerely hope that I’m proven wrong.


    The timing indicates a STORMY connection.

    In which case both Holder and Obama will remain free!

    In old military tactics this was called a “Smoke Screen”. I hope I am wrong and Eric and Barry go to jail – but Lois Lerner is still free!

    The timing stinks!

  7. Obammy and Holder committed a bunch of crimes. Another egregious example is Holder and Obammy extorting banks to pay fines in lieu of federal prosecution for falsified charges. By law all federal fines go to the US Treasury general fund. Instead Obammy and Holder parceled out the billions of $ to Demoncrat party community organizations to re-elect Obammy.

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