Extreme squatters knocking on doors to demand wealthy Seattle residents give them their homes – IOTW Report

Extreme squatters knocking on doors to demand wealthy Seattle residents give them their homes


Members of a group identifying itself as “Moorish Sovereign Citizens,” who claim ownership of most of the land in the Western Hemisphere, have begun knocking on the doors of wealthy Seattle residents and showing them phony documents claiming ownership of the property.

The group, which has been labeled an extremist organization, does not recognize the authority of the U.S. government and attempts to operate outside the law, according to reports.

Detectives in Snohomish County in the state of Washington told local media members of the group have been knocking on doors of homes located in Woodway and Edmonds, telling owners they’re going to be moving in, KIRO-TV reported.

“They have basically come to say that they’re from this particular group and they’re there to repossess the home and want the people to vacate the premises,” Edmonds police Sergeant Josh McClure told the outlet. read more

35 Comments on Extreme squatters knocking on doors to demand wealthy Seattle residents give them their homes

  1. How rich can these homeowners be if they don’t even have a front gate to keep the rif raf out.

    Also, these squatters seem awfully snobby. Middle class homes not good enough to reposes?

    Everyone living in a van down by the river gets a free pass?

  2. Ya’know, I’m almost ready for these guys to try this here. It’s likely my house isn’t quite exclusive enough but if they start seeing success no place is out of the question.

  3. Wanted to scream something like; listen up here you limp wristed air headed commie c*ck suckers, you’re all a buncha flamin commie faggots and you allowed this to happen so %$&@ YOU! However, in view of what we now know about the democrats, communists, and election fraud, are we sure Seattle is possessed? Or is Seattle the way it is because of voter fraud? Wanna give conservatives the benefit of doubt.

  4. There should be a new TV series, “Extreme Anti-squatters!”

    Open the door to a punk Moorish Sovereign Citizen and he gets both barrels of a 12 gauge a la “Once Upon a Time in Mexico”.

  5. Open the door and let them across the threshold, about 4 feet in the entry and then blast them, if they are in your house in Washington with out your invite they are breaking in and are fair game.
    Tell the cops that they pushed the door open and surprised you.
    So you shot them with 00 buck shot.
    The rest will leave real quick just don’t shoot them in the back,right in the face will do just fine.
    They are getting bold.
    Woodway have homes that goes for millions as does Edmonds it is not a cheap place to live. I know it well.

  6. Moorish Sovereign Citizens, ANTIFA, BLM, toddler smoke THC, 8-Year-Old Son on Crime Spree, ‘free meth’. All things the liberals endorse.
    I can still remember the days when we didn’t lock our doors, left the keys in the car, church doors were always open. You were more afraid of what happened when you got home, if you misbehaved at school.
    Way to many participation awards. To many parents not being parents. Blaming the schools, when their kids are fu¢k-ups. They should have had discipline before they ever got to school.

  7. Can these people take over the mortgage payments?

    That’s all I’d ask if they wanted muh house.

    Will you remember to tip the WSJ. delivery gal?
    Gardener comes once a week.
    Pest control dude every couple of months…

    County comes through every so often and re-appraises the house for tax purposes….

    The point is, these droopy pants wearing patchouli stinkin’ semi literates don’t even know what operating costs are, much less have the money to pay for those essential items and services. How the fudge they gonna’ KEEP what they want to steal?

    Start off slower kids, go commandeer a treefort first, see how that works out.

  8. @ Aaron Burr NOVEMBER 28, 2020 AT 11:36 PM


    In my 20s I was working on a house and the neighbor was selling a used Mercedes. I asked him if $1000 was enough.

    He said I couldn’t afford it if he gave it to me. Costs too much to maintain.

    He was right and I wasn’t insulted.

  9. Ahhh but Burr, they have such grandiose, morally superior fantasies that can’t possibly be wrong. And, they can’t possibly be bothered with details…like mortgage payments, maintenance, etc, etc.

  10. Oh I get it, Stirrin’. Just like that poor guy who got arrested and tased after falling asleep on the highway.

    Tased? Dude was already asleep, the hell you want to wake him up just to knock his ass out again?

    It’s a screwy system alright.

  11. What Burr said.

    Look back 30 some years ago when the mayor of Shitcago relocated the residents of Cabrini Green to outlying areas. Homebuilders were mandated to set aside 10% of their new construction to be HUD units, “let them learn how to be successful by living amongst successful people”. So some of the new McMansions became HUD homes.

    Anyone can guess how well these homes were maintained, and how many people ended up cramming into them. They had no clue, since when they lived in the projects, everything was taken care of for them.

  12. “Their group believes that they own all of the land between Alaska and Argentina and all the islands in between,” McClure added. “Unfortunately, Edmonds falls between that land.”

    Umm, that includes almost all of North and South America. Judging by their name, they are saying that the Moors settled both continents and overthrew the natives. Where are the Native Americans, Incas, Mayans, and their descendants protesting this Islamic take over of the hemisphere? Or would minorities protesting minorities be an oxymoron?

    Yes, waiting for them to knock on my door so I can introduce them to Smith and Wesson, as well as the attack cat (no need to let loose the dogs, as the cats will be sufficient)


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