*Eye Roll* Hillary tries to make the French election about her – IOTW Report

*Eye Roll* Hillary tries to make the French election about her

Taking lessons from 0bama.

DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton attempted to tie herself to French President-elect Emmanuel Macron’s runoff victory over far-right candidate Marine Le Pen on Sunday.

Clinton posted a tweet calling Macron’s election a victory for “the world” and a “defeat” to the hackers who released Macron’s emails to the public shortly before the election, but then turned the focus towards herself, claiming “the media says I can’t talk about that.” Clinton is known to have staffers carefully craft and edit her tweets before posting.



SNIP: Gaaaah! Even the Left is so sick of her- She’s still losing to Trump in recent polls. 🤣

10 Comments on *Eye Roll* Hillary tries to make the French election about her

  1. You know when you catch a foul ball at a Cubs game, your drunk friend next to you asks to see it, and as soon as you hand it to him, he jumps to his feet with the ball held high, yelling “YEAAAAAH! WOOOOOO!!”?

    That’s Hillary.

  2. “the media says I can’t talk about that.”

    No, Hillary, they just don’t give a shit about your narrative. They’ve “moved on”, so to speak.

  3. Everybody’s talking at me,
    I don’t hear a word they’re saying,
    Only the echoes of my whine.

    People just stopped caring,
    Don’t even want to see my face
    And the shadows beneath my eyes.

    I’m going where the cash keeps flowing,
    To the next campaign,
    Going where they want to hear my lies.

    Banking off of the barroom floor
    Hoping my brain don’t seize,
    And skipping over the sad truth like I’m stoned.

  4. If the Dems stand a chance of big gains in 2018 (and the chance is certainly there unless congress and Trump work together on some big issues that hit every American positively) then Clinton has to be silenced. Maybe some visits from big donors or that last person to see Vince Foster would convince her to shut the hell up and just leave and take her disease ridden husband and her Meg Griffin of a daughter with her.

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