Ezekiel Emanuel Claims Obamacare Was Successful in ‘Moderating Health Care Costs’ – IOTW Report

Ezekiel Emanuel Claims Obamacare Was Successful in ‘Moderating Health Care Costs’

Breitbart- Monday on Bloomberg, Obamacare architect Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel claimed that since 2010 when the Affordable Care Act was passed, health care costs “have plateaued between 17.9 percent and 17.3 percent.”

Partial transcript  as follows:

WESTIN: What about the cost curve? We will put a chart up where it says we are up 18 percent of GDP. What we do to bend the curve?

EMANUEL: Let’s get it right. Since 2010 when we passed the Affordable Care Act, health care costs have plateaued between 17.9 percent and 17.3 percent. We have actually had relatively stable health care costs as a percent of the GDP. We have not had continued explosive growth that we had under President Bush. As a matter of fact, the Affordable Care Act does seem to have had a big effect on health care costs—the most recent report just last week. We should be clear that we had a positive impact from the Affordable Care Act on moderating health care costs. Having said that, we need to continue to be vigilant about costs and we need to cut prices in health care and we need to cut utilization of unnecessary care, inefficiently delivered care. That cannot stop.  MORE

18 Comments on Ezekiel Emanuel Claims Obamacare Was Successful in ‘Moderating Health Care Costs’

  1. I am a doctor and can assure you that when Obama care hit, the cost of care went out the roof. Prior to O care, the charge for an ECHO (used frequently in cardiology) was about $200, give or take, after O care the same charge went to $1000 at the least. Doctors had no control of this as doctors were taken out of the picture by O care.

  2. Same Democrat accounting that says open borders saves money, that Bill Clinton left with a surplus, that insurance companies will write you a check for $2500, forgiving student loan debt and higher welfare checks helps stimulate the economy.

    Opposite World Economics.

  3. That ass clown has long reneged his right to breathe. Healthcare costs have not plateaued, the ‘system’ is carnage.
    How many have no coverage and thus have not had any preventive care for a decade?
    How many of the most productive Americans, the self-employed, have closed their businesses BECAUSE OF THIS HEALTHCARE WAR?

    Let him explain to me how an absolutely healthy family of four, taking no medications and never needing any healthcare but checkups, is supposed to pay $36,000 in premiums for a shit policy with $7500 deductibles for each family member?

    Makes you want to throw that LIAR into a woodchipper.

  4. I’d like to see the asshole’s number broken down, showing in what segments of the “govt/industrial health care complex” his claimed savings were achieved.

    We won’t see those numbers, of course, because all those making their living in that bidniss don’t want us ordinary people to know just how high the percentage of the money is sucked up by administrative overhead that does nothing at all to make us healthier.

  5. Sooooo … at long last!
    He’s not a fool; he’s a liar!
    Now, that’s good to know … so … can we euthanize him? … by the standards of socialized medicine, he’s outlived his usefulness, n’est-ce pas?
    (that’s frog for “right, muthuhfukkuh?”)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I don’t call my insurance rates more than tripling over 6 years ‘plateauing’. And with a higher deductible, which I have been unfortunate enough to have gone deep into a couple of years.
    I can afford to pay it, although things are tight. What about those who make a lot less than I who pay the same ridiculous rates I pay?

  7. Someone was on local talk radio over the weekend telling his story about Obamacare. He was diagnosed with cancer. Ocare was useless as his policy had a $20,000 deductible. He said it was the worst two years of his life.
    But Zeke, being one of the elite, would have private care and not know or care one whit about the little people he’s “helping”.

  8. Well, my healthcare costs have indeed gone down. I’m no longer making monthly payments for health insurance. Who can afford to pay a huge chunk of their monthly income to pay for Zero-care? It wouldn’t leave much for food or being able to do anything more than sit at the house. Plus it will not pay a penny for any treatment due to the high deductible before it kicks in and pays for anything. Luckily I’ve remained healthy thus far.

    I could absorb the cost of minor accident or ailment. Should I have a heart attack, get cancer or other serious disease or major trauma, I’m in deep trouble. Heck, even the VA told me I have no coverage because my annual income is too high. Guess you’re only a veteran if you’re in poverty income level.

  9. Oh Lawd I am a dumb ass. I first read that headline as Ezekiel Eliot and wondered what the heck he had to say about something not football related.

    As the judge said above EE is a lying sack of shit.


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