Tore Says: While many have had the motherlode of treason, money laundering, and crimes and refuse to report on it, we have been taking our time over the year searching through all devices seized trying to understand HOW Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were making so much money and had money problems. Our primary objectives were to determine who was MANAGING the money, who they ultimately work for (obviously not just themselves), and WHO had most to gain. Hunter’s devices are a goldmine of information and insight.

To introduce the hypocrisy of it all, it is important to explore the only country in the world (aside from the United Kingdom) that a corporation/person owns – Haiti. Haiti is OWNED, controlled, and operated by CGI. The Clinton Global Initiative is a FACTION of the United Nations. Ergo it’s UN territory.
The control is VERY evident and even demonstrates a level of EVIL that goes beyond anything one would believe. The EVIL is so bad that the Clintons were rivals with the “New Gods” of the UN spearheaded by Barack Hussein Obama, and grifters like the Bidens knew that. The Clintons are VERY powerful, and they are the EPSTEIN of foreign affairs, prostituting heinous crimes against humanity for profit and gain and, like any pimp – to skim off the top. more here
The Haitians aren’t killing themselves
I can’t stand the 💩turd ! That is all.
Throws off the Clinton death body count doesn’t it….
Matt Damon!!!!