FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines – IOTW Report

FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines

A report from the FAA admits that the EKG’s of Pilots are no longer normal.  This report has been hidden by the FAA. 

Steve Kirsh released a report today where he shares some very, very disturbing information about the health of Americans and pilots flying us all around the world.

According to Kirsch:

After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.

Kirsch shares:

In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot. It was done after the vaccine rollout.

This is extraordinary. They did it hoping nobody would notice. It worked for a while. Nobody caught it.

But you can’t hide these things for long.

This is a tacit admission from the US government that the COVID vaccine has damaged the hearts of our pilots. Not just a few pilots. A lot of pilots and a lot of damage. MORE

29 Comments on FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines

  1. Gotta get rid of those old, White pilots somehow, eh?

    Enjoy your illegal alien Affirmative Action cockpit of the future. Guaranteed to get you all the way to the crash site every time!

  2. …sure am glad the FAA is considering allowing single-pilot commercial passenger flights, it REALLY opens up opportunities for ramdom passengers to learn how to fly when the only pilot has a “suddenly”…

    ht tps://ww w.thedrive.com/news/airlines-are-pushing-to-legalize-one-pilot-cockpits

  3. …for a preview of what a single pilot flight looks like after the single pilot has a coincidence, HERE is a charter flight where it ACTUALLY HAPPENED…

    ht tps://youtu.be/aqPvVxxIDr0

    …welcome to the future of commercial aviation. Will you step up and be a hero, or sit back and be dead? Any day now, the “Suddenly” may be on YOU!!!

  4. Who is going to be punished for this? This goes beyond WWII and the Nuremberg Code. There are people that should be held accountable. Panties get in a wad when I say where to begin, and who got the ball rolling. It was even given a scary name just to make it all seem death is at hand for all. Plenty of pissed off people who believed, and gave in – out of FEAR! Plenty of dead people too.

    “Look; the results of the vaccine are very good. And if you do get [COVID-19 after vaccination], it’s a very minor form. People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine,” Trump said. Google: Trump again publicly defends COVID-19 vaccines

  5. Well they could at the very least put a warning label on the side of the aircraft about usage, so we’d have a fighting chance to take the next flight. Welcome to Monkey Air lines USA.

  6. Every Goddamned individual who demanded that other be forced to take the injection owns as much of this as anybody. Irrespective of the part they played each and every fucking one of them is culpable and should pay damages before shitting to their pants while being hung until dead.

  7. …and, for all you who think you can simply not get on a plane…

    …in 1992, El Al flight 1862, a cargo plane with a 3 man crew and a non-revenue passenger left Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport at 1831 and due to an engine separation caused by a failed fuse pin, concluded its flight seven minutes later at the juncture of several densely populated apartment buildings near the airport, killing all four on the plane and an arguable number on the ground due to the nature of the apartment complex being mostly immigrants and that there may have been visitors as well, but with the official number of 39 people who were NOT on the airplane that lost their lives, with unofficial estimates ranging as high as 200.

    ht tps://youtu.be/9O3–AfSKVM

    This was NOT a “suddenly”, but given that they;
    A) Have poisoned ALL the pilots, and
    B) Are wanting to go to single man crews in cargo planes to start with, as well as
    C) The fact that we HAVE had incidents of pilots dying on take-off, leaving the other pilot to get airborne by himself as best he can,

    it does NOT seem like an unlikely scenario where a “suddenly” COULD kill folks on the ground pretty much ANYWHERE.

    You do NOT have to be on an airplane to die of an airplane crash. There is literally nowhere an airplane can NOT crash. Examples abound, this is only one of hundreds.

    Keep that in mind as the vaxxx debate AND the dumbing down and decrewing of the cockpit contines apace…

  8. …BTW, if you’re wondering about the PR interval and the significance of it…

    “The PR interval is the time from the onset of the P wave to the start of the QRS complex. It reflects conduction through the AV node.

    The normal PR interval is between 120 – 200 ms (0.12-0.20s) in duration (three to five small squares).
    If the PR interval is > 200 ms, first degree heart block is said to be present.
    PR interval < 120 ms suggests pre-excitation (the presence of an accessory pathway between the atria and ventricles) or AV nodal (junctional) rhythm."
    ht tps://litfl.com/pr-interval-ecg-library/


    They fucked up electrical activity in the heart, leaving it prone to all sorts of malfunction including electromechanical dissociation.

    AKA "Suddenly".

    I had a 19 year old die on me here last year. I knew he was recently vaxxxed from his friends, but the coroner kinda left that out of the report.

    All THAT report said for "Cause Of Death" was "Cardiac Arrhythmia Of Unknown Etiology".

    …translated, his heart lost it's proper electrical activity, and they "don't know" what caused it.

    AKA "Suddenly".

    …I wonder, in light of this, if we could go back in time and get his last rhythm from when he told folks he felt bad and ducked into the bathroom alone for what turned out to be his last action in life, what HIS PR interval would look like?

    …too bad the Medical/Government conplex isn't interested AT ALL in researching it…almost like they've known all along, or something…

  9. Remember number 3 Dahmar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills cardiac arrest midfield mid game, all the “experts” were saying it had nothing to do with the shot. Ok maybe it didn’t but how do you rule it out that fast? Just believe Dr. Fauxi ! Nothing to see there.

  10. Not being critical of SNS and appreciate the comments.

    Still doesn’t make me feel good about the wife getting on an airplane for her annual trip to FL.

    Friend who is a retired pilot of many years just had a heart attack. Wonder if he’d be accepted back in the cockpit today.

  11. Hmmm, I wonder what billionaire’s this pertains to? The billionaires who didn’t get the jab? The running joke 2 years go was “if a billionaires offers you something for free, don’t take it.” Who they gonna get to fly their plane – the jabs were mandated, all you billionaires – you all were in on it. Park your plane, it’s a major polluter.

    This is on Citizen’s Free Pres: Billionaires want ‘Unvaccinated pilots’ for private jets…

    “We’re getting calls now from wealthy businessman who require unvaccinated pilots and crew”

    The Davos men and women don’t want to take any chances, plane crashes are just for the plebs .pic. twitter. com/5wD2eW7R37

    — WOLSNED 🇬🇧 (@wolsned) January 17, 2023

    Who woulda thunk the unvaxxed would be in big demand for services, blood, and organs. I’m going to keep my mouth shut, they’ll start kidnapping us like China does for blood and organs. Know of any billionaire who has a soul?

  12. @Anymouse: There’s plenty of articles over at Brighteon. com with airline pilots who have been injured by the vaccination. They are devastated. Their livelihood has been taken away from them. They aren’t the only ones suffering from the jab. Where will it end?

    Vaxx injured airline pilot speaking out about the vaxx

    One pilot had a heart attack right after stepping foot off the plane he just piloted. Lucky for him a nurse and doctor were onboard and he survived, but lost his career.

  13. Anymouse JANUARY 18, 2023 AT 12:19 PM

    “Still doesn’t make me feel good about the wife getting on an airplane for her annual trip to FL.”

    …find out what plane she’ll be on and get her type-rated for it. She must have nerves of steel to have rode the currents with you all these years, so she’d probably be icy when it’s time to pull the pilot out and put her feet on the rudder pedals. She HAS the nerve, she just needs some training and she’s good to the the hero of her next flight!

    …Always good to be prepared…

  14. Been decades since I got on a commercial flight. Don’t see it happening in the future.

    Like many have commented here, if I can’t drive there I probably ain’t going. Those I know with private aircraft are already down in FL.

    As far as the wife flying right seat I’d go with the autopilot. I think as much of her driving skills as she does mine. Although bats seem to be able fly blind. Should Offer her a broom at the airport? So many questions without answers.


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