Blaze: A spokesperson for the Joe Biden presidential campaign responded to the public furor surrounding the revelations about the unmasking of Mike Flynn, and then implied that racism was the cause for the alarm.
Biden faced intense criticism on Wednesday when it was revealed that he was included in the group of Obama era officials that called for the unmasking of Michael Flynn’s identity in surveillance reports.
Many used the report to accuse Biden of being part of a politically motivated witch hunt to entrap Flynn in order to force him to testify against President Donald Trump.
The Biden campaign denied the claims in a statement from Andrew Bates, the director of rapid response. READ MORE
These are their goto cards they’re playing now because they have nothing else…
They have a very limited playbook. With Trump it just isn’t going to work. He is not a closet Democrat like A Ryan or Romney who are just There to play a bit part in a Democrat written and produced production
Yes, suggesting that he did this because of the color of his skin and not because of human character flaws, is very racist. Why doesn’t anyone say that? 😏
i’m against the race of lying, cheating, d**k-suckers in the pedo/pees-loosely party
Wish I was one of the anointed races, and could get away with stuff.
Like deflecting blame for transgressions by insulting the investigators
The left continues to cheapen true racism and more importantly…THEMSELVES!
Well, orange IS a color…
Racism: the shield leftists use when the facts, logic, and truth are all against them.
Yelling racism in a crowded country should be both criminal and unconstitutional!
Oh, so I see now you have to be white to be a criminal? In that case Slo Joe is already guilty.
Pedo Joe unmasked Gen Flynn on same day of WAPO leak, connect the dots, he is just that stupid, also same day the Magic Half Negro put a medal of freedom around his turkey neck..
It does not take a genius to figure out who leaked to the press, Pedo Joe was the most useful idiot available as the other evil bastards and bitches of the Jug Eared Jesus are at least smart enough to see the danger.
Not stupid ass doopty do Joey, just pull the string and the mouth flys open.
His demise is imminent now, Hillezibub and the Kenyan Cancer cannot let him live much longer. I see a Wu Flu death certificate in his near future.
what did biden forget he was white?
The only racists are those whose vote for the POS former POTUS was influenced at all by his skin tone. The real joke is that he is mixed race so he is only half black you morons! You can’t even do your white guilt thing right.
Biden’s spox, who is as stupid as Biden is, says in part, that the Obama admin was worried “over intelligence reports of Michael Flynn’s attempts to undermine ongoing American national security policy through discussions with Russian officials” 1) A new administration’s national security point man, who is from a different party, is expected and LEGALLY permitted to discuss the new president-elect’s policy position with any and all foreign governments. 2) Obama’s Russia policy is not one of the immutable Ten Commandments. Policies change often even under the same president. Just because thin-skin Obama was insulted or felt challenged by Flynn for even discussing a possible change in the US Russia policy, he green lighted this entire sad affair. You see, no one messes with King Obama’s sage policy. You know, maybe no one will go to jail but I hope they go broke trying to defend themselves in court. Worst administration ever; and I lived through the dreary Carter Admin.