Facebook appoints 20 members to its ‘Supreme Court’ for speech rules, including noted Trump critic – IOTW Report

Facebook appoints 20 members to its ‘Supreme Court’ for speech rules, including noted Trump critic

Posting issues of particular difficulty will be handed-off to the board for review and final judgment.

Just the News:

Facebook’s recently announced so-called “Supreme Court” for speech on the social media platform includes the Stanford law professor who has at least twice in past years made public comments that suggest an anti-President Trump sentiment.

The lawyer, Pamela Karlan, invoked the name of the president’s youngest son, Baron, when she testified last year during the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee’s Trump impeachment hearings.

“While the president can name his son Baron, he cannot make him a baron,” Karlan said.  Though she promptly apologized, Karlan two years earlier publicly suggested disdain for Trump, when she said she would rather cross the street than walk in front of the Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. 

The list of 20 people includes 10 men and 10 women, a total of nine law professors, several journalists and free speech advocates, one of the leaders of the Cato Institute, a former prime minister, and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Facebook announced Wednesday. more here

Here’s the list off the NBC story:

  • Afia Asantewaa Asare-Kyei – A human rights advocate who works on women’s rights, media freedom and access to information issues across Africa at the Open Society Initiative for West Afric
  • Evelyn Aswad – A University of Oklahoma College of Law professor who formerly served as a senior State Department lawyer and specializes in the application of international human rights standards to content moderation issues
  • Endy Bayuni – A journalist who twice served as the editor-in-chief of The Jakarta Post, and helps direct a journalists’ association that promotes excellence in the coverage of religion and spirituality.
  • Catalina Botero Marino, co-chair – A former U.N. special rapporteur for freedom of expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States who now serves as dean of the Universidad de los Andes Faculty of Law.
  • Katherine Chen – A communications scholar at the National Chengchi University who studies social media, mobile news and privacy, and a former national communications regulator in Taiwan.
  • Nighat Dad – A digital rights advocate who offers digital security training to women in Pakistan and across South Asia to help them protect themselves against online harassment, campaigns against government restrictions on dissent, and received the Human Rights Tulip Award.
  • Jamal Greene, co-chair – A Columbia Law professor who focuses on constitutional rights adjudication and the structure of legal and constitutional argument.
  • Pamela Karlan – A Stanford Law professor and Supreme Court advocate who has represented clients in voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and First Amendment cases, and serves as a member of the board of the American Constitution Society.
  • Tawakkol Karman – A Nobel Peace Prize laureate who used her voice to promote nonviolent change in Yemen during the Arab Spring, and was named as one of “History’s Most Rebellious Women” by Time magazine.
  • Maina Kiai – A director of Human Rights Watch’s Global Alliances and Partnerships Program and a former U.N. special rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association who has decades of experience advocating for human rights in Kenya.
  • Sudhir Krishnaswamy – A vice chancellor of the National Law School of India University who co-founded an advocacy organization that works to advance constitutional values for everyone, including LGBTQ+ and transgender persons, in India.
  • Ronaldo Lemos – A technology, intellectual property and media lawyer who co-created a national internet rights law in Brazil, co-founded a nonprofit focused on technology and policy issues, and teaches law at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
  • Michael McConnell, co-chair – A former U.S. federal circuit judge who is now a constitutional law professor at Stanford, an expert on religious freedom, and a Supreme Court advocate who has represented clients in a wide range of First Amendment cases involving freedom of speech, religion and association.
  • Julie Owono – A digital rights and anti-censorship advocate who leads Internet Sans Frontières and campaigns against internet censorship in Africa and around the world.
  • Emi Palmor – A former director general of the Israeli Ministry of Justice who led initiatives to address racial discrimination, advance access to justice via digital services and platforms and promote diversity in the public sector.
  • Alan Rusbridger – A former editor-in-chief of The Guardian who transformed the newspaper into a global institution and oversaw its Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the Edward Snowden disclosures.
  • András Sajó – A former judge and vice president of the European Court of Human Rights who is an expert in free speech and comparative constitutionalism.
  • John Samples – A public intellectual who writes extensively on social media and speech regulation, advocates against restrictions on online expression, and helps lead a libertarian think tank.
  • Nicolas Suzor – A Queensland University of Technology Law School professor who focuses on the governance of social networks and the regulation of automated systems, and has published a book on internet governance.
  • Helle Thorning-Schmidt, co-chair – A former prime minister of Denmark who repeatedly took stands for free expression while in office and then served as CEO of Save the Children.

SNIP: LOL! Whatever.

22 Comments on Facebook appoints 20 members to its ‘Supreme Court’ for speech rules, including noted Trump critic

  1. But Brad, where else can we go to PISS OFF LIBERALS! I’ve spent so much time in FACE BOOK PRISON for pissing off (and on) liberals I should qualify for conjugal visits! 🙂

  2. Many conservatives speak in a code to get around the iron fist of mark CO**SUCKERBERG and it’s getting so bad they will ban your post even if they just think it goes against their “community standards”. I have a Vietnamese born hardcore American Patriot who was admonished for making fun of HIS OWN ASIAN TRAITS!

  3. Doc
    LOL, I’m out of phone numbers to use for twitter. It’s amazing, some ass hole can threaten you and if you get back in his face you’re gone. It is fun. But I think the financial impact of 25% to 45% of their users disappearing might send a bigger statement.

  4. I am sorry. I am a simple caveman unfamiliar with your ways and fetishes.

    Awwwwright, I was coerced into joining back in 2009, when we formed Richmond Tea Party.

    I dumped it several years ago, along with Twitter.

  5. Geoff the aardvark MAY 7, 2020 AT 4:32 PM

    Can anyone say that fakebook is nothing but a star chamber or a kangaroo court?

    A Ministry Of Truth by any other name is still the same.

  6. Do they get nifty uniforms? If so are they of the Brown Shirt variety or do they get all black top to bottom with silver piping and a death’s head on their cap? The knee high black leather boots is a given either way but I must say the black leather books looks so much more sharper with black pants and a black top. Brown shirt and black boots it just says “ugh, Brown shirt man, like go with the Hush puppies in brown swade- this Brown & Black; you look like such a Philistine”.

    Do they get an official riding crop? A riding crop is such an essential fidget gadget when you have to decide guilt or innocence regarding thought crimes. It helps bring clarity to your fellow judges and in the right hands can even bring clarity to the accused.

    The only thing I can be certain is the qualifications for taking that job would be a complete ignorance of history all the while having and an over inflated sense of thinking you know everything about everything. Or you are a person so ideologically purity you know what the current truth is at any given point and are willing to purge anything at a moments notice to protect the new current truth. For example- all women are to be believed in allegations of sexual misconduct AND the subject of the allegation should be vetted by the FBI (Joe Biden circa 2018) and She’s a lying whore who should not be believed (Joe Biden circa yesterday).

    My business is slowing down if you could not tell…

  7. Looking at the list – here you have a formal effort at shaping society. Because society NEEDS shaping, of course.

    The Dream of my most-lefty friends.

    They all think they know better and, like a paranoid-schizophrenic that’s schiz-ing out, THEY JUST KNOW ! Based on nothing real, just their own musings with crippled brain power.

    Actually not hard to shoot them down. I just wait for an audience to memorialize with witnesses. Otherwise, it’s a waste.

  8. Wow! Such GLOWING credentials, all in the name of freedom of speech!
    If the committee is so made up of all freedom lovers, why do they even need a committee, a “Supreme Court”, to regulate free speech?
    If it’s regulated, it’s not free speech.
    If it’s free speech, it doesn’t need regulating.

  9. I’m sure the name of Censorship Committee crossed their minds. But was never mentioned out loud. And following the example of bills in Congress – a name was chosen that implies its mission statement or purpose would be the opposite of what it really is.

    A primo example would be the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Which is, as we all know, almost completely the opposite of its name.

  10. I’d boycott Facebook, Twitter, etc., but I’ve never ever participated in any of those idiotic platforms.
    I don’t care how many fake friends people have. I know I have absozero friends on Facebook or any of the others.

  11. I have never heard of any of these people. Just looking at the bios in this post, there are only possibly 5, out of 20, that might pass the sniff test. After looking them all up, that number dropped. Even if the number had remained at 5 (it didn’t), what can you say about a possible 25% that are not involved in left-wing causes?

  12. In the “old” days on FB you could write just about anything you wanted. Greenberger… what’s his fucking name… Zuckerberg didn’t a fuck unless he was making .05 cents per post.

    It really started to go shit-tastic when users were allowed to pimp on other users.

    I’m not sure why we are surprised when cocksuckers snitch on people during this plandemic. People have been doing that shit forever.

    I remember a T1 test cart in the Dupont CO… on the side was written, “IF YOU SEE THIS CART USED IN AN UNSAFE MANNER CALL 1 800 YOU SNITCH.”

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