Facebook Bans InfoWars, but Keeps Antifa, Louis Farrakhan – IOTW Report

Facebook Bans InfoWars, but Keeps Antifa, Louis Farrakhan

Breitbart Tech: Facebook banned InfoWars from its platform, yet many leftist pages with far worse content still remain.

Facebook’s explanation for the InfoWars ban claims that the site posts material which “glorifies violence,” and also uses “dehumanizing language.”

But the social media Masters of the Universe have made no attempt to explain why InfoWars should be banned while leftist pages with a far more explicit glorification of violence, not to mention using “dehumanizing” language towards Jews, Christians, and Americans in general, should remain and even prosper on the platform.

Among them, a page called “Kill Trump,” and dozens of global pages for the registered domestic terrorist group Antifa, which have made unchallenged posts supporting violence.

“It’s Going Down” is one such prominent Antifa page. Beyond featuring violent imagery of President Donald Trump being attacked, it includes training and information on attacking critical infrastructure targets. “It’s Going Down” seems to be lower on Facebook’s list of “glorying violence” than InfoWars.  more here


12 Comments on Facebook Bans InfoWars, but Keeps Antifa, Louis Farrakhan

  1. A competing platform would put zuckerdouche outta bidness in short order.
    Never understood why people so easily enable the enrichment of those that openly despise them.

  2. dehumanizing..

    Sure is funny the dehumanizing finger is being waved at conservatives. That’s when you KNOW the act is committed solely by the left and blame deflected. I can’t think of a single thing that’s more dehumanizing than the act of being a progressive. Just take body mutilation and abortion as a starting point.

  3. This isn’t hate algorithms purging bad actors.

    It is a digital Kristallnacht meant to erase, demonetize and intimidate non-Liberals.

    Evil nerds are evil. Time to take their lunch money.

    Quit having the government use Amazon cloud storage. Quit forcing website commenters to use facebook or gmail to login.

    They have been cataloging everyone’s information for a time to strike and they think now is the time.

    Trustbust these cocksuckers. They have too much power and have colluded to subvert civil rights based on this coordinated attack.

  4. This is no different than every restaurant in the South during Jim Crow deciding that blacks can’t sit at their lunch counters. All on the same day. With press releases.

    Jack Dorsey, Shmuckerberg, and Tim Cook are modern day George Wallaces blocking the school house door. Democrats then, Democrats now.

    Or will no one get worked up until its AT&T, Comcast, or Charter cutting you off from accessing the internet in the first place?

    They dabbled their nazi toes in the water with Operation Chokepoint targeting the banks of gun stores.

    Evil does not sleep. It may take a weed nap but this is what it is dreaming about when it does.

  5. I’ve been reading the last month or so (several different articles that I don’t remember because I didn’t believe it … at the time!), that CNN is behind the pressure for Google (YouTube), Facebook, Spotify and Apple to ban them. Now Pinterest has joined them. All within 24 hours. It was a planned surgical attack. And CNN was instrumental in it.


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