Facebook Employees Turn on Tech Giant – IOTW Report

Facebook Employees Turn on Tech Giant


A group of disgruntled Facebook employees took to the company’s internal message board last week and claimed the social media giant had a “problem with political diversity.”

The New York Times reports the employees posted the message titled, “We Have A Problem With Political Diversity.” The post immediately went viral inside the company.

The post was written by Brian Amerige, a senior engineer for the social media giant.

“We are a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different views,” Amerige said. “We claim to welcome all perspectives, but are quick to attack — often in mobs — anyone who presents a view that appears to be in opposition to left-leaning ideology.”

Amerige claims that due to the culture of disparaging any viewpoints other than “left-leaning” ones, employees are “afraid to say anything when they disagree with what’s around them politically.”

Amerige went on to describe in detail some of the specific ways Facebook has been silencing those it disagrees with.

“We tear down posters welcoming Trump supporters,” he said. “We regularly propose removing (PayPal co-founder Peter) Thiel from our board because he supported Trump. We’re quick to suggest firing people who turn out to be misunderstood, and even quicker to conclude our colleagues are bigots.

“We have made ‘All Lives Matter’ a fireable offense. We put Palmer Luckey through a witch hunt because he paid for anti-Hillary ads. We write each other ad-hoc feedback in the PSC tool for having ‘offensive’ ideas. We ask HR to investigate those who dare to criticize Islam’s human rights record for creating a ‘non-inclusive environment.’”

The Times reports that since Amerige posted the message, more than 100 people have joined him forming an online group labeled, “FB’ers for Political Diversity.” more here

8 Comments on Facebook Employees Turn on Tech Giant

  1. Looks like there will be another Senior Engineer position available at Facebook.

    There is no room for diversity of thought in the leftist main stream media or the internet social media giants.


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