‘Facebook Files’ Part 4 Show FBI’s Censorship Liaison May Have Perjured Himself – IOTW Report

‘Facebook Files’ Part 4 Show FBI’s Censorship Liaison May Have Perjured Himself

Whaaaaaaat? Nooooooo.

Federalist: Part four of the “Facebook Files” published by Rep. Jim Jordan on Monday shows a top FBI agent who was coordinating censorship strategy with Silicon Valley tech companies may have committed perjury in November testimony.

FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, who serves as the bureau’s “main conduit between the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force and Big Tech,” according to Jordan, was deposed last fall as a central player in the government censorship case Missouri v. Biden. Chan testified that he was only aware of one meeting between Facebook employees and the FBI about the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, but internal Facebook documents show him participating in an additional “secret follow-up call.”

In his November deposition, Chan admitted to an Oct. 14, 2020 meeting with officials at Facebook related to the first Hunter Biden laptop story published by the New York Post. The Post revealed emails from the laptop that indicated then-candidate Joe Biden had been lying when he claimed to have never spoken about Hunter’s business with him “or with anyone else.

At the Oct. 14 meeting, Laura Dehmlow, the FBI’s section chief of the Foreign Influence Task Force, offered “no comment” when Facebook asked whether the laptop was real, Jordan explained. Facebook quickly announced it was “reducing” the “distribution” of the story until the platform completed a third-party fact check. more

5 Comments on ‘Facebook Files’ Part 4 Show FBI’s Censorship Liaison May Have Perjured Himself

  1. “If I say a thing I know is not perfect truth; it is a flat perjury.”

    Wouldn’t be in the FBI if he didn’t lie, cheat, traitor, connive, murder, steal, assist corruption, manufacture fake evidence, and falsely accuse innocents of crimes.

    In the FBI, lying is a feature, not a bug.
    Comey, Wray, et.al. lied to the American people, their sovereign, with complete impunity – so why wouldn’t the lesser maggots?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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