FACEBOOK Insider Leak: Hours of Video of Zuckerberg & Execs Admitting They Have “Too Much Power” – IOTW Report

FACEBOOK Insider Leak: Hours of Video of Zuckerberg & Execs Admitting They Have “Too Much Power”

Project Veritas: In a Jan. 7 video, Zuckerberg is seen accusing then-President Trump of subverting the republic. 

“It’s so important that our political leaders lead by example, make sure we put the nation first here, and what we’ve seen is that the president [Trump] has been doing the opposite of that…The president [Trump] intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power,” Zuckerberg said.

“His [Trump’s] decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters in the Capitol I think has rightly bothered and disturbed people in the US and around the world,” he said.

Zuckerberg also insinuated that Capitol protesters received better treatment than Black Lives Matter protesters. more

8 Comments on FACEBOOK Insider Leak: Hours of Video of Zuckerberg & Execs Admitting They Have “Too Much Power”

  1. Trump questioned the integrity of the voting. There is nothing wrong with that.

    The big danger to our Republic is media bias and censorship, a handful of very rich people deciding they know what is best.

  2. These people always forget the challenges in the past from Democrats. They just ignore that Hillary advised Biden to never concede. They spent the last 4 years trying to subvert the President. Protesting elections is the MO of the Democratic party.
    When the R’s do it, it is a threat to all that is good and decent in the world!

  3. The soulless freak and his fellow tech tyrants seem to think they run the world. Or should. They’ll get theirs eventually.

    I deactivated my fb account weeks ago. Do not miss it.

  4. “They say there are strangers who threaten us
    Our immigrants and infidels
    They say there is strangeness, too dangerous
    In our theatres and bookstore shelves
    Those who know what’s best for us
    Must rise and save us from ourselves

    Quick to judge
    Quick to anger
    Slow to understand
    Ignorance and prejudice
    And fear, walk hand in hand”
    -Rush, “Witch Hunt”

  5. It was obvious by mid November that nothing was going to change and Biden would be the next President.

    If Trump had realized that the future of our country, as well as his own, would be brighter than it is today. Instead of acknowledging his loss and conceding he made things worse by stirring the Left up and bringing it to the boil it is in today and giving them the emotional drive to destroy all things Trump related that would have remained in place (the process is ongoing and maintaining or picking up momentum so it will keep going for quite some time).

    When you go to war and lose it is best to negotiate surrender terms that will allow you to fight again someday instead of fighting till your army is totally destroyed and can never fight again. The Left was smart enough to know that after they lost with Hillary and go on to regroup and fight again next time. The right is not smart enough to know that which is why they have lost everything as well as their chances of fighting and winning next time.

    You may not like to hear that, but it is truth and truth is what ends up ruling the day over any extended period of time. Try reading The Art of War if you want a deeper understanding of how wars are won and lost, and realize that all conflicts, political, social, or military, follow the same rules governing their winners and losers.

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