Facebook Is a Client of Company Run by Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter – IOTW Report

Facebook Is a Client of Company Run by Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter

WFB: Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) daughter runs a company that includes among its clientele the social media giant Facebook, one of the tech companies the 2020 candidate would like to break up.

Amelia Warren Tyagi is president and co-founder of Business Talent Group, which assists companies in finding consultants and workplace talent. Facebook is listed on the company’s homepage as a client, as well as Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, which came under her mother’s ire last year for raising prescription drug prices.

Sen. Warren has released a proposal to break up Facebook, Amazon, Google and other major tech companies to “promote more competition” and “restore the balance of power in our democracy.”

Earlier this month Facebook removed ads by Warren promoting her call for the breakup of the tech companies, initially stating they violated their terms by using Facebook’s logo. After an uproar from her campaign, Facebook restored them to promote “robust debate.”

Her campaign fundraised off the public spat, telling supporters, “if you want proof of Elizabeth’s point that Facebook has too much power, look no further than their ability to shut down a debate over … whether Facebook has too much power.”


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6 Comments on Facebook Is a Client of Company Run by Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter

  1. They get away with shit under the cover of the Media who knows full well about these cozy relationships! It’s waaay past time to break up this giant, bubbling vat of insider corruption and Media lying both overtly and by omission!


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