Facebook Not Sorry for App that Spies on Teens – IOTW Report

Facebook Not Sorry for App that Spies on Teens

Breitbart Tech: Following recent revelations that Facebook used an app to spy on teenage users for “market research” purposes, the social media giant has refused to apologize for the situation.

Mashable reports that Facebook shows no remorse for their latest scandal in which they were caught possibly spying on teenagers via an app for the purpose of “market research.” Facebook’s VP of Production, Engineering, and Security Pedro Canahuati, attempted to explain the app and Apple’s decision to remove it from their app store in a recent memo published by Business Insider.

Canahuati explained in his memo to employees that Apple had revoked Facbeook’s Enterprise Certificate which allowed the company to distribute apps internally outside of its App Store; Apple restored Facebook’s Enterprise Certificate on Thursday, but the company now has to rebuild  “a few dozen” apps that employees rely on. Later in the memo, Canahuat defended Facebook’s research methods and attacked the media for its portrayal of the app.  more here

6 Comments on Facebook Not Sorry for App that Spies on Teens

  1. The best treatment for Farcebook, trash everything associated with
    this PoS. Put it in the trashcan, empty the contents, restart the computer. Fbook will be floating face down in cyberspace.

  2. way back in my younger days a Face-book was a family photo album and sometimes that could be very embarrassing. 🙂 before I learned about all this computer crap one day my son asked me if I wanted to sign up to Facebook, I said sure and brought out the family photo album and said- what do you want me to sign? I have never gone farther than this site and my mail account and even then I get scared. I miss my younger days of dialing the phone- having only 7 T.V. channels to watch, and all good shows-hell even the news back then was different and sort of true. Oh well, soon I’ll be with the love of my life of 40 years as she welcomes me in thru one of the pearl gates. Face-book? I look at it each night and remember the joy-love and happiness of by gone days. Peace and have a blessed life..


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