Popular Conservative “News” Outlet Shut Down on Social Media – IOTW Report

Popular Conservative “News” Outlet Shut Down on Social Media

LOS ANGELES, California (World News Bureau) – Facebook has suspended the account of World News Bureau Editor in Chief Scooter Van Neuter for reasons unknown. The move is the latest in an increasingly concerted effort to censor conservative-based content from the notoriously left-leaning social media company.

At an early morning press conference at World News Bureau headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, Van Neuter blasted Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg and his employees.  MORE

16 Comments on Popular Conservative “News” Outlet Shut Down on Social Media

  1. Facebook’s cutting it’s own throat.

    I don’t understand why people still use that shit. Using it legitimizes it.

    Step one: Cancel your account.
    Step two: Wake the fuck up, and stay off social media entirely.

  2. But Facebook allowed the live torture of a white male (and suspected Trump supporter) to stream live for over 30 minutes. It must be ok to do such heinous shit if you’re a liberal, but mention that you support Trump, and Facebook will immediately suspend you.

    I hope Suckaturd dies destitute while living in a cardboard box.

  3. Zuckerberg might not die of some horrible social disease but he might die in jail of the books of his main company ever get really audited and the powers that be who are making money off the pension plans of the hicks that invested in this turn on him. Facebook users are dropping off, average daily logon’s per user are dropping, time spent in each session are dropping and from what I’ve read the actual hits on the ads are down as well. Zucky can state the users are increasing because everytime a young firm comes up that people start to flock to (away from Facebook) he uses that investor money to buy it and add their user count to his own. Add to that when someone checks out of facebook they usually don’t officially close their account but rather simply stop using it the numbers are way higher then what they truly are. Facebook is done that day that a new app comes along that is judged cooler then Zucky’s and who won’t sell out to him. Remember how fast Facebook grew now think about how fast it can fall. By the by, I use Facebook. I log on once a day for 10 minutes and my only friends are my immediate family and I never click on any ads presented to me.

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