100% Fed Up: Joe Dan Gorman, the owner, and creator of Intellectual Froglegs, is one of the funniest and most politically astute conservatives in the entertainment business. He’s an unapologetic Christian conservative who makes a living doing what he does best—making people laugh. Gorman produces high-quality videos with catchy music and hilarious political commentary that pokes fun of liberals and their radical agenda.
Yesterday, Gorman got a notification from Facebook informing him that his Intellectual Froglegs Facebook page is “at risk of being unpublished.”
“Your page is at risk of being unpublished,” Facebook warned, adding that they would also be reducing the distribution of his content, which is laughable, considering how few users are allowed to see his content in their newsfeed already.
Facebook offers no real explanation for why they’re warning Gorman that his Intellectual Froglegs page, established on August 4, 2012, is about to be deleted. The only explanation they give is we’re about to delete your page “due to continued Community Standards violations.” They give no further explanation.
According to Joe Dan, this is the first warning he’s ever received on the Intellectual Froglegs Facebook page. MORE
Are ANY of us still using Facebook? Whatsapp?
If you are, you’re part of the problem.
I’m surprised he’s still on facebook. I bet zuckerberg thinks that when he hears “Let’s Go, Brandon” that is who they are cheering for.
Dumped that shithole company years ago.
I believed FB was part of the Soros/Bush team in ’06. so I canceled and deleted everything. By ’09 it was clear the Bush/Soros junta was part of FB; if not the leaders!
“Bush Republicans!”!
I doubt many of his fans connect up with him on fb.
OK. I gotta tell this story. Cuz you done egged me on.
Went to a mex restaurant tonight wearing my #FJB ball cap. The guy at the next table hollered to me “Let’s Go Brandon”. It’s out there, folks.
Stopped to gas up on the way home. Yikes
Resumed gas pump blogging which I introduced many years ago. Keep post it notes and a sharpie in your vehicle. I wrote two and slapped them onto the gas pumps.
Let’s Go Brandon!
I left in January. Years later than I probably should have.
I miss it like I’d miss a ghost pepper enema.
Never been on Facebook. Are we winning anywhere?
I see Joe Dan and get my Froglegs fix on GAB…I didn’t know he was still on fake book.
Love Joe Dan! Always look forward to seeing his videos and listening to the classic rock while laughing!
Yea, Joe Dan’s on GAB with surprisingly few followers. We should try and fix that. Fuck FB. He’ll be kicked off sooner or later. Might as well make it now.
By the way if your not following this, it’s Hilarious.
Dave Chappelle’s my favorite comedian. And he’s offended, well, everyone. Good stuff.
I’ve been waiting to some video from his show. Only seen a couple short clips. This Daily Caller link has plenty of video of Bill Maher. Dave Chappelle is a funny guy!
A couple good out takes here. I’m a gonna NetFlix and chill tonight and watch it.
That’s funny; the FB wienies from Pakistan have been after the Jewish Conservatives this whole past year. The owner may be Jewish, but I can just about guarantee you 100% that his F-Checkers are Pakistani Muslims.
#1 They do not understand American English.
#2. They do not understand American humor.
Facebook is not important to my existence.
Wasn’t(and not) very hip to Chappelle. So I had Netflix(long gone) for one of his shows and tuned in.
Good comedy is insightful and he had some good rifts and observations. Then came the abortion “jokes”
Abortion is the murder of the most innocent human beings. If someone thinks they can joke about that, we’re incompatible. Not interested in anything he has to say.
IOW he can FOAD.
One more strike, I’m banned from farcebook. I will be posting another Project Veritas clip. I’m waiting for another one as good as the first. 🙂 I like to play a silly farm game, but I am willing to give it up for the right stab at fuckerberg.
Screw Facebook and Zuckerberg! That decision won’t prevent me or anyone else from heading over to ‘Intellectual Froglegs.’
Left fakebook almost a yr ago. They shadow banned me and I got tired of stupid people parroting media propaganda and thinking they were fully informed after seeing a 30 sec blurb.
My hubby still has his but rarely goes on. I keep trying to get him banned by posting Project Veritas and the like on his pg.
Love IF! I follow on gab and get his emails.