Facebook threatens Voice of Europe for criticizing migration – IOTW Report

Facebook threatens Voice of Europe for criticizing migration

Voice of Europe:

We were one of the fastest growing European news sites on Facebook with at least 30,000 people joining us every month. On some days 5,000 people joined us, but those days are gone after Facebook decided to censor us, suspend us and threaten us.

While we’ve changed nothing in our postings, Facebook’s behaviour towards us changed. Several innocent postings were a reason for Facebook to suspend our moderators.

For example posting a picture of Poles protesting behind a banner with ‘Mohammed not welcome’ was a reason to suspend one of our moderators for 24 hours and we had to delete content as well. But it would become much worse..

This week we were even banned for posting our own news and our moderator received a suspension for 30 days! While we understand news can be ‘hate speech’ as well, we don’t think this was the case here.

We’ve posted book review of a former Czech president who said: “The migrant influx is comparable to the barbarian invasions of Europe.”

While the article heavily criticises migration, it is news, like any other article on our site. But not according to Facebook: The article was removed, we received a 30-day suspension and Facebook threatened to remove our page over it. But something even more strange happened.  MORE

10 Comments on Facebook threatens Voice of Europe for criticizing migration

  1. News Alert!!!: Fakebook is Fascist! … Marci Cuckernerd is a Fascist!

    can’t ANYONE move on from this crap?!?!?

    why give this little shitweasel power over you???

  2. Bell Telephone was a “private” company at one time.
    UPS was a “private” company at one time.
    FedEx – blah, blah, blah
    The electric companies
    The gas companies
    Burger King
    Pizza Hut

    Can they deny service based on the user’s politics?

    Then why are these assholes exempt?

    They operate in the public sphere – their discriminatory practices should be punished. Along with YouTube, Twitter, &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What the hell, meaning why not show themselves for the totalitarians they are. Diamond and Silk are raising hell, as they should. I heard on the radio this morning that twitter banned Dan Bongino. No pretext needed anymore.


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