Facebook to user: Profane threat of violence, death does not violate community standards – IOTW Report

Facebook to user: Profane threat of violence, death does not violate community standards

via: conservativefiringline

ConservativeFiringLine: On Saturday, Facebook user Jeanette Tye Runyon said she was told by Facebook that a profane, explicit threat of violence and death does not violate the site’s community standards.

According to Runyon, who provided screenshots of the threats, the individual in question messaged her “out of the blue,” but, she added, she thinks he targeted her because she revealed an earlier post the user made.

Here’s the messages she was sent, and the reader should be warned — this is quite explicit:  more

muslims meme

9 Comments on Facebook to user: Profane threat of violence, death does not violate community standards

  1. I wonder where this douche lives? Within the US? If so, should be able to eventually track “him” down, and deliver a righteous kick-ass punishment.
    File under: karma, payback.

  2. The key to understanding this crap is that they are enforcing community standards, not moral, ethical, or objective standards. Community standards can be whatever tickles the social justice funny-boner of the particular comment dictator involved.

    NB: “funny-boner” is not a typo.

  3. Exactly.
    Say you’re against forcing a bakery into baking a cake for a couple of daughters of Sapho and it’s violence against women or something, but a Bedouin saying he’s in favor of forced clitorectomies is okey dokey

  4. Also note: It’s a muzzie expressing hisself, so that’s okey-dokey.
    If a white employed middle class married church-going male were to say the exact same thing. . . well, look out for the fireworks.

  5. So when this follower of “the religion of peace” decides to shoot-up a cafeteria somewhere, the media will all wonder “what was his motivation”, and then blame the gun.

  6. Facebook was a good tool when my son was serving out in the sandbox (he is being redeployed again this month), it is otherwise just a gathering of the insipid intent on one-upping each other as to who is the most inane.

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