Facebook’s Midterm Election Meddling Blocks Republican Candidate’s Ad – IOTW Report

Facebook’s Midterm Election Meddling Blocks Republican Candidate’s Ad

Breitbart Tech: Facebook has banned Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng’s campaign video ad about communist crimes that led her family to flee Cambodia for the U.S., claiming the platform doesn’t allow “shocking, disrespectful, or sensational” content.

Elizabeth Heng, who is running for California’s 16th congressional district seat, made the video about her parent’s escape from mass-murder by the Khmer Rouge communists in the 1970s.


However, according to the Christian Post, Facebook deemed the video to be “shocking, disrespectful or sensational,” and refused to allow her to run the video as an ad on the platform. more

9 Comments on Facebook’s Midterm Election Meddling Blocks Republican Candidate’s Ad

  1. The killing fields revisited here would be the ideal scenario if played out here. Absolute adherence to control or death.
    Pol Pot was another despot admired by the crazies.

  2. How many Russians and Chinese have bought shares in Facebook?

    American socialists, Russia and the Chinese are meddling in our mid term elections.
    Let’s get another special counsel and pay him $Millions to not prosecute anyone except for alleged crimes from 20 years ago. Until then we will allow Mexicans, Chinese, Russians to vote by absentee ballots.

    If the ostrich Jacket fits, you must acquit.

  3. Now even Pinterest is into censorship.
    As wacky as Alex Jones is he is not as bad as most leftists. But Pinterest has deleted and banned him.

    These people have absolutely no knowledge of history.
    This kind of thing always comes back to bite them in the rear end.

  4. What was the fringe is now the mainstream. With a vice like grip on the information highway getting the truth out is more challenging than ever. Fortunately, most americans can detect the bad odor coming from them, sense the danger and reject what they offer.

  5. We used to say “If you don’t like what you see, change the channel”

    Today, it’s “If you don’t like what you see, get the producer banned or fired.”

    Trump can’t make America great if its people are pussies, afraid of words.


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