Facing humiliation, Mueller backs away from prosecution of Russian entities – IOTW Report

Facing humiliation, Mueller backs away from prosecution of Russian entities


The Mueller special counsel investigation purportedly was instigated to discover possible illicit Russian influence on the 2016 presidential election but now is backing away from the only indictments aimed at Russian entities, leaving only alleged process crimes (such as General Flynn’s alleged false statement to the FBI) and alleged crimes that occurred long before the Trump candidacy (such as Paul Manafort’s Ukrainian connection).

Devlin Barrett writes in the Washington Post:

In a pair of court filings Friday, the special counsel added four assistant U.S. attorneys to the case against Russian entities and people accused of running an online influence operation targeting American voters.

People familiar with the staffing decision said the new prosecutors are not joining Mueller’s team, but rather are being added to the case so that they could someday take responsibility for it when the special counsel ceases operation.  The case those prosecutors are joining could drag on for years because the indictment charges a number of Russians who will probably never see the inside of a U.S. courtroom.  Russia does not extradite its citizens.

What on Earth could cause a prosecutor to walk away from his central mission to focus instead on incidental and tangential matters?  Barrett’s use of the words “take responsibility” for the case is the answer.  Though not a word of it appears in Barrett’s article, the prosecution of the Russian entities has already turned into a farce, as Mueller is caught in a trap of his own making with the hasty indictments of entities he never expected to defend themselves.  So slipshod was the work that one of the indicted entities was not even an incorporated entity (i.e., it did not exist) at the time of the alleged offenses. MORE

13 Comments on Facing humiliation, Mueller backs away from prosecution of Russian entities

  1. Mueller’s a nihilistic/socialistic/totalitarian stooge.
    In the “Age of Obola” everyone’s sposed to bend over and “take it like a man” and be content with it.
    Just as with the election of President Trump, the nihilistic/socialistic/totalitarians didn’t expect America to give them any grief – the expectation was for America to sit still for voter fraud and the misrepresentations and lies from the LSM.
    The “Special Counsel” bullshit was their last grasp at the disappearing smoke.
    The “Russian Connection” was their last lie in a series of Grand Lies, which comprise their entire “strategy.”

    If it weren’t for bullshit and prevarication, they’d have NOTHING.
    (and they know it)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Ratcheting up the faux outrage at the border, to take eyes off of Mueller. The more the investigation founders, the more fake news will increase. I’m looking for an accusation of trump sacrificing children to Baal.

  3. Devlin Barrett. Wasn’t he Lisa Page’s go-to guy she relied on to spin clean Andy’s reputation? I suppose now the known leakers have vacated the premises, Devlin has contracted with different sources, albeit unfavorable to the SC.

    Mr. and Mrs. Barrett must be awfully proud to have raised a son with the morals of a prostitute.

  4. Correct, Engelburka Engelburka. I have to admit, he’s good with the spin here. Anything else that comes out will be just a slight variation on his theme. I can see why Lisa liked him so much. He’s a pacesetter.

  5. Imagine if the FBI and entire DOJ weren’t corrupt, inept and a total joke. They’d be having a FIELD DAY!

    Obola and the Clintons have committed so many crimes, and so ham-handedly, that a REAL law enforcement agency would be DELIRIOUS at the thought of glorious prosecutions.

    Oh, my alarm just went off. It was only a dream. Again.


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