Fact Check: AP and Washington Post Destroy Biden Job Claims in Brutal 1-2 Punch – IOTW Report

Fact Check: AP and Washington Post Destroy Biden Job Claims in Brutal 1-2 Punch

Western Journal:

President Joe Biden was operating at his usual level of veracity as he signed yet another series of executive orders on Wednesday.

“Today is ‘Climate Day’ at the White House,” he told reporters, according to The Associated Press. “which means that today is ‘Jobs Day’ at the White House.”

He continued. “We see these workers building new buildings, installing 500,000 new electric vehicle charging stations across the country as we modernize our highway systems to adapt to the changes that have already taken place. … We’re going to harness the purchasing power of the federal government to buy clean, zero-emission vehicles that are made and sourced by union workers right here in America. … This will mean one million new jobs in the American automobile industry. One million.”

Surprisingly, he was called out by the AP for his claim that the implementation of his administration’s new green initiatives will create one million new jobs in the auto industry. According to the AP fact check, Biden omitted “important context and used fuzzy math” to arrive at this conclusion. more

#BidenLied Trends On Twitter

Palmieri Report:

Now, we can point to a lot that Joe Biden has lied about.

He lied about his agenda.

He lied about his son’s business dealings.

He lied about President Trump.

I’ll stop here because I could go on all day about things Joe Biden lied about.

However, this trend likely refers to another lie he told.

That lie was that he would support giving Americans $2000 dollar stimulus checks. more here

17 Comments on Fact Check: AP and Washington Post Destroy Biden Job Claims in Brutal 1-2 Punch

  1. Meanwhile Ted Cruz is a two-dog faced pony soldier blaming Trump for losing the election, saying there was no fraud and blaming him for the Capitol “riot”. So why did he challenge electoral votes?

  2. If he creates 1 million jobs by destroying 6 million jobs, did he really create any jobs at all?

    If he “lifted millions out of poverty” by raising the minimum wage to $15/hr and at the same time put many more millions into poverty by lowering their relative pay, did he really lift anyone out of poverty?

    If everyone charges their cars with fossil fuels, is that really lowering emissions?

    If everyone has electric cars that the power grid can’t support is anyone really charging their cars?

    If Americans are forced to dispose their gasoline engine cars, that could survive for another decade on average, for new fancy electric cars that utilize many environmentally harmful materials like plastics, rubber, lithium in their manufacturing is that really a positive for the environment?

    I could do this all day.

  3. ecp, Barky had “Created or Saved”, Biden has “Created or Destroyed”.

    And I when they talk about all of those solar panel and windmill technician jobs, they left out the words “deinstallation and disposal”. Same with the electric car batteries.

  4. Gov. Inslee in WA state must have gotten the memo from CA Gov Nuesom that they need to improve Sundown Joe’s stats-so let’s start opening up the state again! First it was the two biggest counties now it’s 5 more. Funny that, the scare monger COVID cases are running about the same but now for some reason (post election*Trump lost*cough) we can go eat in restaurants and go work out in the gym again.

    It’s because everyone is getting vaccinated they say. Whatevs.

  5. …I’ve been working with battery powered autonomous industrial vehicles for 25 years, and I can tell you first hand that the only jobs you’ll REALLY be making are the guys throwing that fuckton of hazardous waste away when your highly specific batteries fail….

  6. Liars are always gonna lie, it’s what they do.

    According to Doctor Google 41,000 Covid deaths since the inauguration of fraudster biden.
    That’s more than a 10% increase in total covid deaths in the 10 days of his presidency.

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  7. CLIMATE day?!?! Well hells bells – why didn’t he SAY so?!?!

    My Ramcharger needs new M/T’s – I got 5, worn out 35×15″ tires that NEED burning!!! I coulda celebrated, by throwing a picture of ‘grimacing Greta’ on top of the flames! 😆

  8. Any new job will go to Chinese children. Those tat aren’t pretty enough for the Pedos. Maybe the Dems will have enough of us in reeducation camps to take up the slack. You know the Domestic Terrorists.

  9. No mention of the massive “greenhouse gases” generated by the coal plants and the landfills full of expired bird killing wind turbines used as sacrifices to fuel his green electric cars.


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