Fact Check: The Washington Post’s Philip Bump Has a Credibility Problem – IOTW Report

Fact Check: The Washington Post’s Philip Bump Has a Credibility Problem

BigJournalism: In the course of just one week, while taking on two of the most controversial issues in our body politic, The Washington Post’s Philip Bump has twice been caught lying. Saturday, in an effort to boost Barack Obama’s call to restrict our Second Amendment civil rights, Bump used mass-shooting stats so phony that even the gun control extremists at the New York Times felt compelled to debunk them.

washington post building

On Monday, as part of the Washington Post’s never-ending quest to destroy Donald Trump, elect Hillary Clinton, and cover for Barack Obama, Bump went to hysterical lengths to dismiss and downplay poll numbers that tell the disturbing truth about the state of Islam. Let’s start with his lies about guns.

In his headline, and using the terror attack in San Bernardino to boost the case for gun control, Bump told his readers that  “[t]he San Bernardino shooting continues a disturbing trend: No week since 2013 without a mass shooting.”

This is such a brazen lie that the same New York Times that published a gun control editorial on its front page this week felt the need to correct it:  A lot more here

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