Fact Check: Yes, Biden’s Plan Would ‘Increase Taxes on Average for All Income Groups’ – IOTW Report

Fact Check: Yes, Biden’s Plan Would ‘Increase Taxes on Average for All Income Groups’

Townhall: One of my favorite elements of Sen. Tim Scott’s excellent RNC speech on Monday was his strong defense of the GOP-passed tax reform law, a true achievement in which he played a major role. Democrats have lied incessantly about the law, which reduced tax rates at every income level, helped spur economic growth, and finally delivered long-awaited wage increases.

The new policy, along with deregulation, was one of the major reasons that the economy was so strong prior to the pandemic-induced economic shutdowns. While the opposition endlessly frames the effort as a giveaway to large corporations and the rich, that’s an unfair and inaccurate assessment, and Scott took them to task several times during his primetime remarks:

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1 Comment on Fact Check: Yes, Biden’s Plan Would ‘Increase Taxes on Average for All Income Groups’

  1. That is a real shocker! Every Dimwit campaign starts with the same stupidity. They must not realize that every tax raise LOWERS tax receipts. Citizens do not gravitate to high tax states, they flee from them!!!!!


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