Factory Burned In Floyd Riots Will Leave Minneapolis, Owner Says – IOTW Report

Factory Burned In Floyd Riots Will Leave Minneapolis, Owner Says

Daily Caller: The owner of a manufacturing company based in Minneapolis has decided to move his factory after law enforcement was unable to protect the plant from burning during riots.

The plant shut down early in anticipation of the second night of riots and to ensure the safety of employees, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. President and Owner of 7-Sigma Inc. Kris Wyrobek said a production supervisor and maintenance worker who live near the plant kept watch over the business and reported a fire at an apartment complex next door.

“They don’t care about my business. They didn’t protect our people. We were all on our own,” Wyrobek told the Tribune. “The fire engine was just sitting there, but they wouldn’t do anything. That’s the frustrating thing to us.” read more

15 Comments on Factory Burned In Floyd Riots Will Leave Minneapolis, Owner Says

  1. Good for them. While you’re at it, move entirely out of MN.

    Find a place in a Red state where you can hire people who will be able to surround your building armed and ready to defend it. Wait, if you move to a red state, the police, fire and other first responders will be able to do their jobs.

  2. I have watched as

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    And every other A-list business with their headquarters located in Tacoma WA decamped as progressivism took over City Govt.

    What were they replaced by? Non-profits and government Agencies. Neither of which contribute not one thin dime in local taxes.

  3. The Governor called the city’s response to the rioting an, “abject failure”, yet the courts have seen fit to remove any responsibility for these failures. Just as the police have no Constitutionally mandated duty to protect you, even when that threat is imminent, they can gleefully watch while someone attacks you and do nothing to mitigate or intervene, similarly, the firefighters can gather around with marshmallows on sticks, play grab-ass, pick their nose or do anything else, not doing the ONE thing they are paid to do; put the wet stuff on the hot stuff, with no recriminations or liability. And that’s not just Minneapolis, similar instances occurred in any number of prog run cities, a moral imperative exists where any response would be racist in nature.

  4. …from the article…

    ““We were on our own those first few nights. There were simply more people destroying property, more people setting fires, than any city government could respond to at once,” Frey said.”

    ..just puttin’ it out there, if you don’t have sufficient resources to cover a problem, you do something to change the ratio.

    On the plus side, you had an ENTIRE NATIONAL GUARD you REFUSED to use. That COULD have given you the manpower to shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY.

    On the minus side, you could have shot a few of them, certainly the ARSONISTS. Arson is NOT a benign crime, and they were burning APARTMENT BUILDINGS WITH CHILDREN IN THEM! Every justification, legal AND moral, was there to shoot THAT scrum. And you wouldn’t have to do it for LONG, because the REST of the chickenshit cowards would SCATTER once they saw disobedience was FATAL.

    …so no, it wasn’t a RESOURCE problem.

    It was a DEMOCRAT problem.

    You WANTED them to have space to destroy. Your hatred of the President outweighs any sense of duty you have to your OWN CONSTITUENTS.

    And they DID. This business, that employed BLACK people, included.

    Well, they can take a hint.

    I, personally, would NOT be willing to serve up my effort and wealth to build up another sacrificial lamb for you to slaughter. I don’t blame THEM for feeling the same way.

    …enjoy your lack of jobs and your severely diminished tax base.

    And your new food desert.

    ….you’ve EARNED them…

  5. Mpls starts a brave new Cultural Revolution to become like Detroit. Why they want to go down that road I have no idea but forward true believers.

    This is very sad. Mpls was a beautiful city but that privileged needs to go. Maybe they should rename the place to Little Mogadishu or Hellhole by the lakes. There are some very nice houses over by lake Calhoun & lake Harriet and the progtards that live there don’t think Detroit can happen to them and that is the funniest part about this passion play.

  6. I think it’s great! I think anyone and everyone with a business should pack up and haul ass. That includes every grocery store, hardware store, restaurant, clothing outlet…. The lot…. Don’t leave ANYTHING behind… Fuck ’em all!!

  7. The American communists in the 50s really had a plan, didn’t they, starting with giving Stalin nukes, beginning the sham ‘ACLU’, moving blacks from the south to the inner cities to create ghettos and the welfare state, and then to radicalizing 60s war protesters, then inserting the radicals into our schools.

    Here we are, in a civil war.


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