Facts About The Fact Checkers – IOTW Report

Facts About The Fact Checkers

6 Comments on Facts About The Fact Checkers

  1. There’s a good article at American Thinker about how they’re going to blockchain the facts to cement the absolute, verified consensus truth into history…

    “The United States Senate elections on January 5, 2020 will determine which party controls the United States Senate. Everipedia will be offering AP’s senate race calls in a trusted and transparent manner through the use of oracles. AP will sign the data cryptographically and publish results with their Ethereum Public Key 0x436ee8cb3a351893b77f8b57c9772daec3a96445 and their EOS account associapress. The results published by AP through the OraQle will also be available through our partner Chainlink’s oracles.”

    Blockchain sounds like complete bullshit to me. At least in this context.



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