‘Failed Utterly’: Top Scientists Blast Biden Admin Over Report It Rejected Expanding Rapid Tests – IOTW Report

‘Failed Utterly’: Top Scientists Blast Biden Admin Over Report It Rejected Expanding Rapid Tests

Daily Wire: Democrat President Joe Biden faced backlash late this week after an explosive report revealed that his administration allegedly turned down a plan months ago that would have dramatically expanded rapid testing that people can administer at home to see if they have coronavirus.

Coronavirus experts reportedly presented the administration with a 10-page plan more than two months ago that would expand America’s ability to quickly detect the virus by producing hundreds of millions of rapid tests per month for use by Americans.

“The plan called for an estimated 732 million tests per month, a number that would require a major ramp-up of manufacturing capacity,” Vanity Fair reported. “The antigen tests at the center of the plan can detect the virus when patients are at their most contagious. Though less sensitive than polymerase chain reaction (PCR) laboratory tests, which can detect the virus’s genetic material at any stage of infection, antigen tests provide a quick snapshot in time for those seeking assurance that they are safe to travel or won’t accidentally infect vulnerable relatives.” more

6 Comments on ‘Failed Utterly’: Top Scientists Blast Biden Admin Over Report It Rejected Expanding Rapid Tests

  1. First: stop testing for diseases when you’re not sick.

    Second: Pedo lies. Ignores when called out. Lies some more. Lather, rinse, repeat. Doesn’t hurt him a bit.

    Third: media covers Pedo’s lies. No one will ever hear about this in the wider world. Too busy watching the show about the wise Black woman, her smart gay freind, and her bumbling White boyfriend.

  2. “Corona virus experts”. If they were true experts, they would be talking about herd immunity, natural immunity, mask worthlessness, social distancing worthlessness, and designing/implementing studies that determine the effectiveness of ivermectin and HCQ.

  3. “Democrat President Joe Biden faced backlash late this week”

    Hardly. It’s not news unless it’s reported and since the leftists control the means of dissemination, the corporate media, this will cause nary a ripple.

    Any “scientist” of any stature who dares to criticize the regime will fine themselves ostracized, unemployed, and banned on all social networks.

    In the end they will all be Peng Shuai ,” All those stories of my demise were propaganda designed to cast a bad light on our brave selfless party leaders. I am fine, living freely and in harmony with our preferred method of bounty that makes all of our Chinese people happy and prosperous. No, a party leader did not rape me, in fact, I raped him just to be in his presence”.

  4. There are about 8 people we know of dealing with Omicron right now.
    The treatment seems to be Video Games, TV, Eating, Sleeping, & Drinking both Alcohol, Juice, Tea, Milk etc. (depending on what time of Day & Age of the afflicted)

    Some have even resorted to Weed & Pizza.

    Pray for our survival friends.


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