Failing to Affirm a Person’s Chosen Gender Is Now Illegal in Victoria, Australia – IOTW Report

Failing to Affirm a Person’s Chosen Gender Is Now Illegal in Victoria, Australia

The Expose: Earlier this month we published an article on medical activism and the harm it has caused children treated by the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS”) at the Tavistock and Portman Trust in London, UK.  After a damning report found GIDS to be unsafe, the National Health Service (“NHS”) ordered it be shut down.

As the Daily Mail reported, the closure next spring of the NHS’s only gender identity clinic for children is a vital and long overdue step in righting the wrongs of what could perhaps be the biggest medical scandal this century – the routine use of puberty-blocking drugs on children.  Struggling youngsters will now be sent to new regional centres and given better mental health support.

Despite this recent medical scandal, the Government of Victoria is going the opposite way.  Thanks to the Victorian Government parents are living in fear of criminal penalties if they refuse to agree to their child being pharmaceutically “affirmed,” wrote James Macpherson. more here

14 Comments on Failing to Affirm a Person’s Chosen Gender Is Now Illegal in Victoria, Australia

  1. This is what happens when you give up your guns. Your life gets taken over by demented faggots and stupid bitches. Australia and New Zealand in particular seem to have lots and lots of filthy, evil, oppressive cunts in their government.

  2. “Struggling youngsters will now be sent to new regional centres and given better mental health support.”

    Sodom and Gomorrah comes to my mind, and the end result will be just like it all ended for the sodomites. My nieces kid could benefit from some mental illness health (it would probably make it worse). Best thing to do is get her away from her liberal gay loving mother and father. My nieces mother passed away before she had her twins, God saved her from the hurt and anguish of seeing one of her grandchildren turn into a Chaz Bono.

  3. Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

    What they are going to get is legal compliance, but when you go deeper this kind of forced compliance results in pushback every time. I would be more concerned about the indoctrination that is slipped into the culture being taken to heart.

  4. I can’t be bothered to try and remember every idiot’s “chosen gender pronoun”.
    Too many pronouns, too many idiots. Invariably I’ll forget something and someone will be faux offended.
    So now, unless they’re wearing a name tag, everyone’s “chosen gender pronoun” is a gender neutral “fucktard”.

  5. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight AUGUST 24, 2022 AT 11:50 AM

    That’s exactly the point. No one can. That way you’re always wrong and the Leftist Imbecile from the Island of Busted Ass Toys always “wins”. See how they rigged it?

  6. Just call everyone something neutral like:

    “Fuck Face”
    & “Beave” like leave it to beaver or Kamala

    see, Nice and neutral!

  7. Make no mistake—those kids are being sent to sinister “regional camps” for continued experimentation to create a “new and perfected” mutant species, similar to that of Fauci’s monstrous experimenting on helpless orphaned babies and children during 1980s-to 1990s and present day. Advocates for children everywhere in the world should take action.

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