Fairfax County, Virginia public schools tell parents not to hire tutors because it is unfair to kids whose parents can’t afford them – IOTW Report

Fairfax County, Virginia public schools tell parents not to hire tutors because it is unfair to kids whose parents can’t afford them

American Thinker:

If you had any doubt that hard-left ideologues run government school systems in many (most?) places, take a look at Fairfax County, Virginia’s most populous county, with over a million residents, one of the richest counties in the United States with an average household income well over one hundred thousand dollars.

The educrats who run the Fairfax public schools have advised parents there not to hire tutors or organize informal homeschool “pods” to replace the shuttered schools because some parents cannot afford to do so, and that would be “unfair.”

I am not making this up.  Here is a link to a memo sent to parents on August 7, with some key excerpts below: MORE

35 Comments on Fairfax County, Virginia public schools tell parents not to hire tutors because it is unfair to kids whose parents can’t afford them

  1. How about they talk about the losers about putting their first loves before their kids interests? Their first loves being their beer, pot and cigarettes… oh and attending mostly peaceful protests until all hours of the morning.

  2. Always the sunny optimist, such as I am….
    This is the upside of the WuhanChineseRedDeath. The education mafia are being exposed as both frauds and communist indoctrination robots that manufacture anti Americans that attack our country upon exiting the public school system.

    Americans are realizing that 6th graders can’t do basic math. BigEdu failed them. 6th graders can’t spell. BigEdu failed them. 6th graders can’t read. BugEdu failed them. 6th graders can’t do critical thinking. BigEdu failed them.

    And now teachers unions, BigEdu, say they refuse to return to the indoctrination centers that pay them handsomely.

    Thank you.

    Take education to the people. Fire the teachers. Knock down the lavish Indoctrination palaces that have been erected.

    Then lower taxes appropriately so that both parents don’t need to work.

    I’m just getting warmed up.

  3. you realize we have a whole country of kids that did not really get much of an ‘education’ last school year (& now this school year). they were all promoted to the next year’s class (or given graduation) without actually qualifying.

    it’s like ‘affirmative action’ …. you don’t have to do the work or participate in any way, but you get promoted …. uh, because … the powers-that-be have the ‘authoritah’ to shower blessings upon you

  4. In the next decade our kids and grandkids will be expected to burn down their house and build mud huts so that they don’t have any advantage over the Somalis, Ethiopians, Pakistanis, or any other third world shithole.

  5. @PHenry ~ been screaming the same to every person that will take the time to listen … taxpayers need a refund on their property taxes (which pay for the local school budgets)

    if schools are shuttered then taxpayers are saving enormous amounts of $$$ …. busses not running (no gas expenses, no maintenance expenses, etc.), no inappropriate ‘inclimate weather’ closings (causing massive kid & parent lives & jobs disrupted), lower school building maintenance costs, no need for ‘administration’ costs … the list is endless

    I will be going to the next county council meeting demanding a refund

    oh, & fuck the teachers & their unions … they have ruined countless lives & the future of our country

  6. I know this is said every election cycle, but this upcoming election is crucial because if we lose this country, 🇺🇸 there will be no place to go.

    The Commie Dem’s need to have their asses royally kicked from coast to coast. 😁

  7. Teachers unions have made their employees unessential workers. Yep. Bye.
    Don’t show up. No pay.


    The commenters on this blog can teach basic math, science and English better than union hack teachers that are using extortion to force your kids into home arrest.

  8. What the Va. school admin views as unfair is some children escaping the propaganda leftist indoctrination they’ve carefully taught to them thus far. No alternate real education will be tolerated. They might become non-sheep citizens some day.

  9. American schools are now only “schools” in name only. They are a pale shadow of centers of learning. You might even say they are not centers of learning at all. They have been hijacked from the American people and being used as a front for their Leftist indoctrination. Not only that, they are now the main means of distributing a litany of tax-paid social services to so-called “under-priviledged students” (including a very high percentage of illegals and their families).

    Remember those portable classrooms that used to dot the public school campuses, that were used for “special education”? Now, those students are mainstreamed into the classroom so that they are no longer stigmatized. Great, if those students can keep up with the regular classroom tasks, but they can’t. And the bar is lowered for the other kids. It’s a harsh reality, but there it is.

    What has now taken the place of special education in public schools are kids who should actually be placed in institutions which can deal with severe autism, psycho-social behaviors that require intense therapy and/or medications, and kids who will never be able to write their own names or live independently. These, too, are now part of the public school landscape and are funded along with education funds — local/state and federal.

    Then there are all the food programs. Also included in funding for education is a pipeline of things that normalize the idea that a lot of people get free, cooked food. Families that struggle should not be stigmatized, but the opposite effect is teaching kids that the government takes care of them. And all this is delivered through schools, even breakfast and after-school meals as well as weekend meals and meals available during school vacations. If the families are already getting SNAP/EBT why are all these other meals being provided?

    Then there are backpacks stuffed with school supplies, including high-end laptops. But classrooms are notoriously short on common school supplies that are used by the entire class; very common supplies like paper.

    Add in the colossal time suck used by teachers for every kind of school dictate that has nothing to do with core education, plus all the many, many “in-service” days and the casual nature of substitute teachers.

    At a price tag hovering around $20,000.00 per student, per year, we’re not getting our money’s worth.

    It’s time to stop this madness and start over.

  10. “Then there’s Newsom saying that if you hire tutors in CA you have to pay them W-2 pay with withholding and payroll tax.”

    They’re not tutors. It’s a janitorial service and my kids like hanging out with them

  11. Real simple. Your kids, your responsibility. Your choice. McGuffy’s readers will give you in six grades more than twelve in state school will. But, you gotta be engaged. Tough on you.

  12. Applying the same lame logic toss out by this Socialist Teachers Union for Media incitement and $$$$.

    Teachers should not be allowed to teach their own kids,
    (if they haven’t aborted them already.) Because not all Parents could afford to become teachers


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