Wolff’s a FAKE: “I CAN’T HEAR” – IOTW Report

Wolff’s a FAKE: “I CAN’T HEAR”

Herald Sun:


Michael Wolff is the author of a huge new bestseller that trashes Donald Trump.

Fire and Fury based on gossip he picked up hanging around the White House – gossip like his claim that Trump is having an affair right now with a woman he wouldn’t name.

Except reading between the lines of his book you’ll see the woman is clearly identified as Nikki Haley, a former state governor and now US ambassador to the United Nations.

Haley angrily denies the claims and says they’re sexist, and Wolff this week admitted he’s got no proof.

On the Today show today he claimed he had no audio, either, when Ben Fordham’s questions got too hot:  MORE HERE


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