Fake Indian, Fake research – IOTW Report

Fake Indian, Fake research

American Thinker: New study debunks Elizabeth Warren’s signature ‘scholarship’.

Elizabeth Warren, the Democrat who wormed her way into the Harvard University faculty lounge as a professor by falsely marketing herself as an American Indian, has more fakery than merely that on her résumé.

Turns out a new study shows that her signature scholarship on medical bankruptcies is fake, too.

The new study finds that a whopping, 4% – repeat, 4% – of all bankruptcies among the non-elderly are for reasons of hospitalizations.  For the uninsured, the rate was 6%.  The rest are for overspending on credit cards, etc.  Warren’s research claimed that 60% of all bankruptcies in that group were for hospitalization expenses.  Where did she get that figure?  Apparently, out of the air. read more

15 Comments on Fake Indian, Fake research

  1. It’s not her fault; apparently injuns can’t count. So your criticisms are disability discrimination, and Senator Angry Squaw is going to sue you.


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