Fake News and Now Fake Ratings – IOTW Report

Fake News and Now Fake Ratings

ABC, CBS and NBC Misspell Words In An Attempt To Inflate Ratings.

 Daily Caller:

Major news networks such as NBC, CBS and ABC have been purposely misspelling words to create a spike in their TV ratings, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

NBC has misspelled words on 14 separate occasions since September, frequently spelling their evening news program as “NBC Nitely News.”

This tactic fools the systems of Neilsen, a TV-ratings company, thus causing the misspelled version to appear as a second program. This then excludes the nights with bad ratings from the show’s official record, making it seem as though the program has a higher percentage of successful nights.


8 Comments on Fake News and Now Fake Ratings

  1. The wheels are being blown off the lefts most valuable asset (the news media). And now the truth is set to hurt them right in their revenue stream.

    I never thought I would live to see the day. 20+ years of Limbaugh could not do that. Less than 8 months of POTUS Trump and CNN has been exposed to be the leftist political hack it has always been and they are all poised to have their add time costs slashed. Trump is a freaking Tazmedia Devil and may God bless him with good health for the next 8 years +.

  2. The beauty is that over time, the main street media’s hold over the viewing public will diminish as more people get their news from other/internet sources. Them shooting themselves in the gonads is just accelerating the process.

  3. They’ve tripped on a cobblestone of the road to Idocracy.

    “Whatever it takes for ratings, we’ll do it! Nothing is beneath us!” (money).

    Soon we’ll see H&R Block tax returns and massage parlor.

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