A reminder: Fake News is making a list – IOTW Report

A reminder: Fake News is making a list


Fake News Shooting Itself in Left Foot While Aiming At Trump.

This coming Thursday Marjorie Pritchard, deputy managing editor for the editorial page of the Boston Globe will make it easy for readers to make a list of which newspapers are Fake News.

Rather than just being lumped together by Chief Fake News Fighter President Donald Trump, they will be listed by name.

Deplorables: Get your PC’s copy and paste function ready to roll.

Bloggers: Prove you are not social media suppressed by posting each and every one of their names—in bold.

“As of Friday, Pritchard said about 70 outlets had committed to editorials so far, with the list expected to grow. The publications ranged from large metropolitan dailies, such as the Houston Chronicle, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Miami Herald and Denver Post, to small weekly papers with circulations as low as 4,000.”

Pritchard is only proving the president’s point. The MSM, which provides an estimated 93% negative coverage on President Trump, is now “coordinating” it.

By their conspicuous absence, we will now be able to find newspapers who report the news.

From all of those who were never sure: Thanks, Marge!

“We are not the enemy of the people,” said Marjorie Pritchard, deputy managing editor for the editorial page of The Boston Globe, referring to a characterization of journalists that Trump has used in the past. The president, who contends he has largely been covered unfairly by the press, also employs the term “fake news” often when describing the media. (Boston Globe, Aug. 10, 2018)

The Globe has reached out to editorial boards nationwide to write and publish editorials on Aug. 16 denouncing what the newspaper called a “dirty war against the free press.”


20 Comments on A reminder: Fake News is making a list

  1. It would be even easier for them if they just go ahead and merge together into one huge news outlet, headquartered at the DNC. Or as they hope to call it very soon, the Ruling Party.

  2. It’s not a war against a Free Press, it’s a war against Fake News, just like it’s not a war against Immigration, it’s a war against Illegal Immigration. How difficult is that to understand? But the bottom line is, it’s a war against President Trump by The Deep State, Rinos, the Leftist Media, and Socialist Progressives.

  3. Hey sweet pants. President Trump didn’t inform us about fake news, we already knew it.

    The fawning coverage about your crown prince Obama.
    The daily barrage against George W Bush.
    Your conspiratorial coverup of the Clintons for decades.
    Your mistreatment of Bush I, an affable dope, admittedly.
    Your contempt for Reagan.
    Your inability to put a smiley face on Carter the bumbler.
    Your hatred of Nixon.

    I mercifully abbreviated the list of your transgressions against the public for whom you profess to inform.

    Look assholes, Trump just brings up the fact that we know you are fraudsters and Democrat political operatives. That the crowds cheer? He’s just preaching to the choir.

  4. This must be that free and INDEPENDENT press I keep hearing so much about.

    War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Independence is coordinated.

    I think I speak for every newspaper in the country when I say that there isn’t a lick of daylight between the editorial pages of every single one of them.

  5. As Vin Suprynowicz wrote earlier this month,

    After 50 years, the patient victims of Leftist oppression finally begin to resist. So the Left, of course, accuses them of ‘starting a war.’ They haven’t yet SEEN war.

    The Yellow Stream Media (Vin’s great term) has been shoveling crap at us for 50 years or more, and now that some of us, including PDJT thank goodness, are saying ENOUGH! and resisting their propaganda, they have the chutzpah, the GALL, to claim victim status, to whine about being unfairly attacked.

    Can you say “hubris” boys and girls? I knew that you could.

    EDIT: BTW, that piece by Suprynowicz is very good and highly recommended reading.

  6. All of the editorials will have the same bullet points, buzzwords and insults. It would be great to get hold of the template they’re sharing. But we’ll see that soon enough.

    I predict these words will be in every paper’s editorial


    Some of them may use a thesaurus, but the sentiment will be the same.

  7. Thanks for the help , lady.

    Sound the Moral Outrage Bell and just watch all these strident DNC puppets dressed as journalists come a-runnin !

    Trust in these propagandists is already eroding but somehow singing leftist lies out of the same songbook will convince America you are not biased.

    President Trump will mock them mercilessly on Twitter and America, with good reason, will laugh.

    It’ll be like shooting mentally-challenged fish in a barrel.

  8. The claim of “fake news” is not an attack on a free press; there is no effort to censor anything these jackasses print, televise or publish. These people are free to continue their course of conduct, and their consumers (or former consumers as the case may be) are free to ignore them and not purchase their product.

    The claim that Trump’s characterization of many outlets as fake news is an assault on free speech is, in and of itself, fake news and ironically proves the point. The Trump administration has made no demands for censorship, and Trump’s attacks on major news outlets is nothing more than Trump’s own exercise of free speech. The MSM has a right to free speech; but they don’t have a right to be loved and admired or called out on bullshit.

    The MSM doesn’t deny their negative coverage of Trump – they can’t. The MSM doesn’t deny their fawning coverage of Obama – they can’t. The MSM doesn’t deny their complicity in ignoring Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most corrupt candidate for President yet, while she ran for President – they can’t. And while the general public may be voting on the trustworthiness of the MSM with their dollars, this is not a violation of the First Amendment by any stretch of the imagination.

  9. I will look for it in my paper.
    We only get the paper because my wife clips coupons. I will be sure to look for the editorial and use it to line the bird cage floor, face up so it gets covered with the shit it deserves.

  10. This bunch of knuckleheads are journalists, just as
    the late night shows are hosted by comedians.

    You can choke that horseshit down if you suffer from TDS,
    but the rest of us don’t play that.


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