Fake News: Jim Webb Being Considered for Defense Secretary – IOTW Report

Fake News: Jim Webb Being Considered for Defense Secretary


The story in the New York Times regarding Jim Webb being considered as the next Secretary of Defense is FAKE NEWS. I’m sure he is a fine man, but I don’t know Jim, and never met him. Patrick Shanahan, who is Acting Secretary of Defense, is doing a great job!

Story Here

7 Comments on Fake News: Jim Webb Being Considered for Defense Secretary

  1. Disclaimer: Former 5th Marine , older than Jim, who was there about 5 years ahead of Jimmy.

    I think Jimmy would be a great choice. sorry don does not know him!
    Like all 5th Marines he bragged about how many Chinese he’d killed in the D debates. Cost him Im sure.

    Well; there is no one better at killing than a 5th Marine. 200 – 300 years ago The Black Watch; not in the last 120 years.


    Lots, and lots of Tasty Animals.

    IMHO Sec Def should be a killer! If you cant “make that other – – – give his life for his country…!” how can you defend America?

  2. Sorry jarhead.

    I generally give anyone who served the benefit of the doubt. Particularly Marines. And fighting marines especially.

    But Webb, like my marine father-in-law who was an artillery man in Nam, eventually rising to the rank of major, chose to throw in with anti-American democrats.

    I honor their early service but question their post action decision making. Especially in the area of political allegiances.

    Again arises the question. Do today’s democrats have more in common with JFK or Fidel Castro?
    I view them as enemies….domestic.

    I never saw Webb as a possibility because of his political alliances and choices.

  3. They never found out who wrote that “lodestar” White House “Steady Sate” insider bullshit, did they? How much money does the NYT spend on coke for its fabulists? I can’t even call them journos anymore, after they wouldn’t fire that whore Ali Watkins.


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