Fake News: NBC’s Pete Williams Says ‘White’ Cop Killed Black Driver Philando Castile – IOTW Report

Fake News: NBC’s Pete Williams Says ‘White’ Cop Killed Black Driver Philando Castile


NBC reporter Pete Williams needs to offer a correction for a story on Thursday’s Nightly News. In a story on how Cobb County, Georgia is moving to fire a policeman for saying on camera – sardonically, it seems – “we only shoot black people.”

Williams compared that to the shooting of Philando Castile, who was shot at point blank range by Jeronimo Yanez, a Latino cop. But Williams said he was white:

WILLIAMS: The date stamp on the video, July 10th, 2016. Just four days after cell phone video went viral showing the moments after a white policeman killed a black driver, Philando Castile, in Minnesota.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Cobb County police chief Mike Register said, “I have known Lt. (Greg) Abbott for years and perceived him as honorable, but he’s made a mistake. I don’t know what is in his heart, but I know what came out of his mouth.”

NBC skipped the sentence with “honorable” and “mistake.” NBC also skipped any mention of what the stopped driver said.

The woman tells Abbott that she is afraid to reach for her cellphone because “I’ve just seen way too many videos of cops … ” At that point, Abbott cuts her off.

“But you’re not black,” he says. “Remember, we only shoot black people. Yeah. We only kill black people, right? All the videos you’ve seen, have you seen the black people get killed?”  read more

4 Comments on Fake News: NBC’s Pete Williams Says ‘White’ Cop Killed Black Driver Philando Castile

  1. The Media Absolutely Fu<k Leo's Over In an Unjust Way ! That's Very Unfair !
    So LEO'S Need To Use What They Have to Fight Back !
    The Media Will Make it Easy For You, You LEO's Know Where These Reporters Go For Cocktails … Please Make It So , Stick With Dui's They Won't Be Able To Bitch or Use Their Sway !!! And It Won't Make The News ! LOL

  2. Reboot : The Cool Part Is The Leo’s Will Be Rewarded For Doing Their Jobs Well, and Yes ther’es a Bonus ! Leo’s Will Be Re-Gaining Their Status as The Guys You Really Don’t Want to Scream at ! I’m Dead Serious… The Bobbies In London Get More Respect For God’s Sake’s !!!

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