‘Fake News’: Trump Campaign Bashes Fox News for False Report About RFK Jr. as Running Mate, Says Never Will Happen – IOTW Report

‘Fake News’: Trump Campaign Bashes Fox News for False Report About RFK Jr. as Running Mate, Says Never Will Happen

The Murdochs are trying to start shit again.

Breitbart: Reports citing anonymous sources purportedly close to Donald Trump alleging “preliminary overtures” were made to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about serving as the former president’s running mate in 2024 are fake news, the Trump campaign declared Sunday.

Fox News ran with the story, citing the New York Post as its primary source for the claim Kennedy, 70, was tapped about the possibility of becoming Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election. more

19 Comments on ‘Fake News’: Trump Campaign Bashes Fox News for False Report About RFK Jr. as Running Mate, Says Never Will Happen

  1. “Any Kennedy is a disgrace to the Republic even though he has good qualities. Once a demoncrat always a demoncrat.”

    JFK would be so conservative, by today’s standards, he would not be electable. I don’t think you think that well.

  2. don’t trust RFK, Jr any further than I can kick his carcass to the alligators

    he’s a Kennedy … meaning: he’s a grifter of the first rate … Trump realizes it. Bobby Jr. is in it for the $$$ (much like the rest of his legacy) … much like Trickie Nikkie (she’ll drop out when the donations dry up … bank on it)

    Trump doesn’t need the $$$ … (they can’t buy him … it’s why they’re trying to bleed his bank account w/ their ‘Lawfare’ … it’s what D’rat Socialist Nazi’s do)

    … get it yet?

  3. The w w washingtonexaminer com has an article on the Omar firestorm and it is a long link.

    It is interesting to see how google buried it.

    Record your searches right now. Look how they bury it.

    Only one result in last 2 hours.
    Next result is NPR from months ago puff pie ce

    THIS is how THEY do it

  4. Attention Attention
    Paging one SECDEF Lloyd
    SECDEF Lloyd Come In Please
    Has anybody seen a MIA SECDEF
    Certainly not
    Paging SECDEF Lloyd
    Where Are You
    You got Business Calls Lloyd
    You can’t be proppin your fat ass on a donot hole
    Get to Work, Turd
    Or Fuckin Resign
    You Maggot

  5. brad
    Youngster you are wrong. DEAD WRONG.

    JFK was a radical leftist!

    @ of many, many reasons:FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT. DEI!
    JFK created DEI with EO#10925. 3/6/61. I have first hand experience +1 years ago with JFK’s DEI. I posted it here 2 or 3 days ago!

    Only GWB is more left than JFK.

    Ronny left “the party” because of him.

    YOu likely were not born in 1961. I was in college!

    If you want more leftist JFK deeds ask. I can detail dozens!

  6. Beachmom

    You missed the big one. The deep state. He wants them destroyed.
    The thing I like about RFK jr is he doesn’t appear to be owned by donors. So you can keep your Lindsay Grahams and your Mitch McConnell’s, actually 98 percent of congress, who’s decision making is predicated on what’s best for the donors. The Bush’s perfected this behavior. So while I may not agree with him I do believe he would enter a productive debate with out considering a corporation best interest over the American peoples.
    Something to consider. If the Rat Bastard Ted Kennedy was never born, would the Kennedy name be viewed differently by conservatives? I think so.

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