Fake News Verifies, Recommends Other Fake News – IOTW Report

Fake News Verifies, Recommends Other Fake News

You Can Trust Them Now šŸ˜†

3 Comments on Fake News Verifies, Recommends Other Fake News

  1. I was a very precocious (as well as tough)kid. I figured out that the America hate coming from The Press(decades later called the MSM) was KGB propaganda. Have not trusted the anti America MSM for 70 years. When they start saying Don is a great President (not sarcastically) I may go back to transient them. MAY!

  2. Try and find Joyless Beasthar saying they’re desperate to get Trump on YouTube. You can’t. However, going to Google with the same search and you’ll find it front and center.


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