Fake News: Wash Post Changes Story on Trump ‘Firing’ D.C. Nat’l Guard General – IOTW Report

Fake News: Wash Post Changes Story on Trump ‘Firing’ D.C. Nat’l Guard General

Breitbart: The Washington Post wrote on Friday that President-elect Donald J. Trump “fired” the commanding General of the D.C. National Guard who is heading up the military presence during the coming inaugural event — in the middle of the oath of office ceremony. Yet a second story on Saturday did not contain the claim.

The Post’s original report set off a wave of stories across the world, causing raised eyebrows over Trump’s “extremely unusual” decision to fire a general in the middle of the presidential oath of office ceremony, especially during these dangerous times.

[…] The fact is, of course, that the commander of the D.C. National Guard serves at the pleasure of the president and is not put in place by the Pentagon or any of the federal branches of the military.

But the Post’s early reporting on the “firing” of General Schwartz contains no statements from the Trump transition office and also leaves out key points such as the fact that the general of the D.C. National Guard traditionally supplies his letter of resignation to every new president who is about to take office.

Subsequent to the publishing of the paper’s story making Trump appear incompetent, news emerged that the incoming Trump administration offered to let General Schwartz keep his position through inauguration day, but it was the general himself who refused the offer, preferring instead to quit at 12 noon on January 20, the hour Trump takes his oath of office.

The general then ran straight to the media to “argue his case in the press,” as a recent Fox News report noted.  MORE



15 Comments on Fake News: Wash Post Changes Story on Trump ‘Firing’ D.C. Nat’l Guard General

  1. Another political hack appointed to a position of ‘power’ by a progressive, in this case famous RINO GWB, and kept in power by another progressive, the-president-who’s-middle-name-may-not-be-spoken. No loss; Brigadiers are a dime a dozen.

  2. Should we be concerned about every Federal semi-employee appointee in the cia and other agencies who are going to do this same crap to make it about them and not about a new president?

    Sigh. Loook who their inspiration is and was for this action. Dhimmie’s been doing this stuff to protect and project obamers obvulation since 2009.

    Give me a break but do ye remember that DC went about 90% for obamer? Good riddance I say.

  3. Political appointees live my the sword and die by the sword.
    The media knows it, the appointees know it and the administration knows it.
    The numbers of fake, unsubstantiated news will increase only to cause division, chaos and sway public opinion.
    Will journalism ever return to be a trusted source?
    Not yet.

  4. So the real story is that this guy lied to make it look like Trump fired him at an awkward time buy the guy really resigned intentionally? Another affirmative action loser.

  5. @The Rat Fink- The Washington CONpost

    One of my favorite things about President Trump- He holds the MSM feet to the fire of truth and exposes sleaze immediately! Super Trumpinator!

  6. I didn’t care if Trump fired him then anyway. Anyone that has obamas approval is the kind of person who would tell law enforcement to “stand down” if patriotic citizens were the ones being attacked.

  7. Another deep-state, under-the-radar, affirmative-action barnacle is scraped from the hull of the ship ofstate. Trump’s fed detwood profiling template has probaply exposed hundreds of these to the chopping block.

  8. What would be needed here is another, active duty General from the army explaining this Toy Box Soldier’s actions that seem to be purely political in nature and the new secdef ought to be busy firing any Obama leaning armed forces senior officers.

  9. I hate to see someone get their Schwartz twisted.

    I have a relative who retired from the Navy as an O-9. One time we were discussing Colin Powell and he contemptuously described Powell as a “political general”. That looks to be the case here too.

  10. NOt surprised this clown never deployed- Fun Fact- in 2003 I got activated and sent to lovely Ft.Dix NJ, to ramp up to deploy to sunny Iraq. The DC national guard was already there, had been for a good amount of time ramping up, but they were partying and acting pretty laid back-surprising for a unit about to go to war. Turns out, they were SO BAD, so undisciplined, so FUCKED UP, the regular army refused to deploy them and sent them back to DC. Guarantee this guy was one of the reasons they were that messed up. Even the Puerto Rico National Guard made it to Iraq and they are semi-retarded. Good riddance.

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