Fake, ‘Pro-Trump’ Letters Posing as Right Wing Group Tells Muslims to ‘Go Back to Sh*tholes’ – IOTW Report

Fake, ‘Pro-Trump’ Letters Posing as Right Wing Group Tells Muslims to ‘Go Back to Sh*tholes’

National Pulse: Letters with offensive sentiments are being sent from individuals posing as the right-wing training group ‘Look Ahead America’ – an organisation which has championed fights for election integrity and against the political persecution of January 6th protesters.

The effort was revealed by the Executive Director of Look Ahead America Matt Braynard, who explained on Monday: “Some low-life is trying to smear @lookaheadorg by sending out hate mail with our return address.”

Pictures of the letters sent by an anonymous group or individual invoked former President Donald Trump, and told recipients to “go back to whatever shit hole country” they came from:

Speaking exclusively to The National Pulse, Braynard explained the steps his group would be taking in response to the letter. “Per our lawyers’ guidance, we’re forwarding these letters to the Postal Inspector and the FBI. We feel terrible for anyone that might have gotten such a horrific note with our address on it,” he outlined.

“We receive a constant stream of hate mail, but the left’s desperate and infantile escalation with fake letters is a validation of our organization’s mission and ascent across the country,” Braynard continued.

He also singled out the fact that the letters are postmarked “Orlando,” despite the fact that Look Ahead America’s offices are based in Washington, D.C. more

8 Comments on Fake, ‘Pro-Trump’ Letters Posing as Right Wing Group Tells Muslims to ‘Go Back to Sh*tholes’

  1. “Per our lawyers’ guidance, we’re forwarding these letters to the Postal Inspector and the FBI.”

    That’s where the letters are coming from, genius. Get new lawyers.

  2. Strong advice: Believe NOTHING that the lefty lame lib-lobes and deep state group of gluttonous honking geese issue forth. They are doomed, and know it. That is the sole purpose of their existence. That is their lot upon earth until their destruction.

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