Family Given Green Light to Sue After School Force-Vaccinated Child Without Consent – IOTW Report

Family Given Green Light to Sue After School Force-Vaccinated Child Without Consent

Slay: The North Carolina Supreme Court has given a family the green light to sue their school district after a boy was forcibly vaccinated with a Covid mRNA injection without parental consent.

The state high court ruled that a mother and her son can file a lawsuit against the public school system and a doctors’ group over the forced “vaccine.”

The ruling reverses a lower-court decision that a federal health emergency law prevented Emily Happel and her son Tanner Smith from filing a lawsuit.

Both a trial judge and the state Court of Appeals had ruled against the two, as Slay News reported.

16 Comments on Family Given Green Light to Sue After School Force-Vaccinated Child Without Consent

  1. Doing ANYTHING to a kid should have the parents permission PERIOD!! There is NO excuse for this kind of stuff. The ONLY reason they went ahead and did this is because they KNEW FULL WELL that the parents would not permit it! Operating behind their backs should be just as punishable as what they actualy did by violating all Faith, Trust and Confidence in people who are have a duty to protect a child’s well-being!

  2. They may have maimed that child, permanently scarred hus heart, crippled his body, damaged his mind, shortened his life, and mutated his DNA in such a way to cause a turbo cancer now or ten years from now, and possibly sterilized him so he can never have children, and all when he was at no real risk from the actual disease and with an unproven drug we KNOW to be worse than useless.

    Somehow, a lawsuit…just doesnt seem like it BEGINS to be enough.

  3. Doing things in secrecy is malicious intent.Doing it agains’t kids is even worse. In this regard I’m all for bring back public horse whipping as a PPV event!

  4. Followed by putting these offenders in stocks in a public square with people throwing all sorts of nasty shit at them and then tarred and feathered buck naked and totally humiliated and fired from any kind of govt. job, teaching etc. for life in all 50 states.

  5. The sad part is….

    US tax payers not only paid for the carnage imposed by the liberal, commie democrat ASSHOLES, we are also on the hook to cover ANY lawsuits from such carnage.

  6. Absolute PROOF (if any more were needed) that Public Schools have NOTHING to do with education.

    Sue the individuals who assaulted and probably permanently impaired this child, NOT the School System – a building (or collection of buildings) didn’t make that decision.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Re: ME’s State Supreme Court decision:
    When the Law offers no recourse – what is to be done?

    Seems like the courts are pushing us towards “vigilance.”

  8. Expect things to be corrected when too many Americans stop taking ‘anti-depressants. and reject any ‘Anger Management’.

    Maybe others don’t love their kids as much as I do, because no lawyers could stop me getting Justice in this circumstance.


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