Family Living near Border Requesting More Patrols – IOTW Report

Family Living near Border Requesting More Patrols

KRGV: WESLACO – A family living along the border is growing fearful for their safety as the rise in people crossing the border illegally continues.

The Ochoa family lives in a neighborhood a few blocks from the Rio Grande. They want their home to be safe. They see people crossing their land every day and are fed up.

Juan Ochoa said it’s no longer one or two immigrants coming through his backyard.

“They caught another four, five of them behind there and I was here at that time,” he recalled.

Ochoa said his dogs are the first to notice the illegal crossings. “Day and night, you can hear the dogs barking,” he said.

His family usually leaves the back door unlocked when they’re home. However, that changed last Friday when they heard a noise coming from the back of the home.  read more

4 Comments on Family Living near Border Requesting More Patrols

  1. Meanwhile, preezy has green-lighted more ‘visitors’ by ratcheting back an aerial surveillance program. I really hope no one is hurt between now and when the hammer drops in January.

    You go, Obama. Go, and don’t look back.

  2. Two different peoples living on opposite sides of an imaginary line is dangerous? Color me surprised. Has the world always been like that?

    People who think an ideal world should spring up wherever they plant their tush annoy the hell out of me.

    If these people want security, maybe they should move to the border between Kansas and Nebraska.

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