Family Moving to Seattle Gets U-Haul Stolen – IOTW Report

Family Moving to Seattle Gets U-Haul Stolen

The family was in the process of moving from Montana to Seattle when they discovered their U-Haul was stolen overnight from a hotel parking lot.

They shouldn’t have moved from Montana, mistake 01. Staying overnight in Federal Way, mistake 02.} – illustr8r.

22 Comments on Family Moving to Seattle Gets U-Haul Stolen

  1. I recently moved my daughter >1000 miles from home. We rented a U-haul trailer. I made sure to back the trailer up against walls at the hotels we stayed at during the trip.
    Also – you can buy bluetooth tags to hide in vehicles or trailers to track them if stolen.

  2. just getting her ready for Seattle…..which is a liberal cesspool now so try walking downtown without getting robbed or witnessing things you should not be able to witness….>EVER!


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