Famous ISIS Song Writer Just Got Pulverized – IOTW Report

Famous ISIS Song Writer Just Got Pulverized

isis song writer killed by us forces

Shoebat– The famous (and infamous) ISIS song writer, Maher Mash’al (ISIS codename Abu Zubeir Al-Qasimi), who was also one of the most famous Islamic song writers in Saudi Arabia has just been pulverized by American forces in Deir Zur in Syria.

Mash’al was the main Nasheed (Islamic songs) writer for ISIS, a man who lived by promoting ISIS violence through art and gun was killed by violence through missiles by the American led coalition.  Mash’al was a star in the Islamic show Bedaya Muslim TV before he travelled to Syria to fight for ISIS in 2013. His death was a shock to the Saudi people since he enjoyed a celebrity status.   More

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