Fang Fang, please pick up the white courtesy phone – IOTW Report

Fang Fang, please pick up the white courtesy phone

Sensenbrenner Requests Ethics Investigation Into Swalwell’s Relationship With Chinese Spy.

GOP Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee, urging the committee to “immediately open an investigation” into allegations that Rep. Eric Swalwell had been compromised by his close relationship with a woman who turned out to be a Chinese spy.

The suspected spy, Christine Fang, arrived as a student in the U.S. and cultivated “close ties” to Swalwell beginning in 2014. She helped fundraise for his 2014 campaign and placed an intern in his congressional office. The FBI became so concerned about Swalwell’s relationship with her that they gave the congressman a “defensive briefing” to warn him of the fire he was playing with.

SNIP: I notice Adam Schiff is awfully quiet.

18 Comments on Fang Fang, please pick up the white courtesy phone

  1. I’ve seen some Oriental women who were among the most beautiful women in the world, but this gal is rather plain and unextraordinary. If I was going to commit treason (and I’m not), she’d have to be a lot better looking than this girl.

  2. @AbigailAdams–remember this is the group that have a “slush fund” to pay off their improprieties. I am sure there are a lot “affairs” that have happened. But we are the little people and have no right to know. They are THAT immune!

  3. I would have bet the ranch Swallow-well was a, well, a guy who didn’t like girls. I guess he has a wife. She wouldn’t stop a train but she could probably turn it around.

    Maybe Bill Clinton is his hero.

  4. D.C. needs to be shit-canned, destroyed, removed, decimated, dismantled or otherwise separated from this country…..or this will no longer be a country of Americans.

    Pointing my finger……democrats, liberals, commies, etc ARE NOT Americans.


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