Fani Gets Desperate – IOTW Report

Fani Gets Desperate

Willis responds to the affair cell data by claiming her calendars/emails prove she wasn’t with Wade. There’s a big problem. The hook-ups took place on Sept 11-12 and Nov 30 of 2021. The calendars/emails aren’t for those dates. (See examples.) @ Techno_Fog.

8 Comments on Fani Gets Desperate

  1. Dim-wit. She’s assuming she gets the same race-coddling treatment here that ‘issued’ her law degree, college degree and hs diploma.

    Being judged by her character isn’t pretty.

  2. If this gets much worse for Fani, King Kong Letitia will have climb Trump Tower to keep the media distracted.

    They can’t get him on a felony, so they’re trying to cripple him with their backup plan, asset forfeiture. Now, THAT is some desperate tyrant flop-sweat.

  3. How is it a tax collector can over value my house when collecting property taxes based on what they demand it is worth in order to make more tax dollars ???? And they do it every year. Isn’t that the same crime they say Trump did with real state???


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