Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise – IOTW Report

Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise


Guest post by Chris Gleason

In a shocking turn of events, a bombshell investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.

Fani Willis’s involvement will be sure to send shockwaves through the political landscape.

The investigation, which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law. Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises. It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire electoral process.

In the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections, my team uncovered a massive money laundering network of campaign finance contributions being made via ActBlue. One of the top beneficiaries of this money laundering RICO enterprise was none other than Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock. The Gateway Pundit was the first news organization to cover the massive money laundering network that financed the Raphael Warnock campaign.

As our investigation progressed, we expanded our efforts into other states such as Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and then into every single state.

Working with the Epoch Times investigative journalist Steven Kovac, we made a stunning find. Many of the top ActBlue “Contributors” never made the individual contributions. Many of these “Not Employed Individual Contributors” were the victims of a highly sophisticated money laundering scheme.

The scheme was further exposed when I provided the data to James O’Keefe and his people at O’Keefe Media Group who captured many unwitting “Money Laundering Smurfs” in Maryland.

This massive ongoing money laundering operation involves wire fraud, evasion of campaign finance limits, structuring of financial transactions, tax fraud, non profit fraud, identity theft, and elder abuse. MORE

37 Comments on Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise

  1. Fitting a person of African descendant is going after Trump, the racist. Say what you will & it will all happen before America’s eyes all watching. This will never happen again from a WWE MOFO! Let the evidence present itself & let America choose. One person or America.

  2. Afraid America will decide, it already has. But butt it was stolen, all our dreams for a true dictatorship, now what will we do? Vlad, Lil Kim Xi, we want to be just like them! Too late, never ever gonna happen.

  3. As has been proven again and again – they falsely accuse others of doing what they are actually doing.
    And if Kemp has her back, he’s a corrupt piece of shit, too.

    Where dafuq is the DOJ?
    Oh, yeah, I forgot … they’re too busy running interference for the Biden Crime Family to fight crime.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Charged for what? A focking wet dream. Donny is going to trial for real charges, real state & federal charges not made up bullshit. He is toast, burnt orange toast. Donny has prison in his future, another Trump first. The only Ex-prez locked up.

  5. She took money from a PAC. Big non-whoop there guys. Every body at state level and above does the same.
    What really galls, people on the right think rules apply to the Left. HELLO!

  6. Or Donny messed with the wrong state! Who doesn’t know about Georgia & what not to do if your just passin thru. His Secret Service will no longer be needed , he is all Georgia property now.

  7. Yeah yeah yeah everyone is corrupt except Mr Con Man & I have ocean front beach property for sale in Arizona. Nope he has met his match. Now the cards will be all laid out. Mr Bankruptcy hand not lookin so good.

  8. By the way his mugshot is copyright protected by the state who issued it. I see Georgia sueing Donald J Trump for copyright infringement. Pay up girlfriend. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we try to deceive. Millions to Georgia.

  9. We must be right over the target. Anonymous is freaking out cuz the liars, commies, and crooks he supports are finally being exposed. More evidence is being uncovered every day and the MSM can’t hide it. Anonymous is so blinded by hate he cannot reason. Sucks to be that stupid.

  10. So I never believed in a TV personality who claimed he save anyone. So f’n what. Never needed anything even close to bullshit like this Ms Cult. Suck so be it, better than a brain dead idiot.

  11. @ Lowell have you read the link, this is country wide money money laundering. One persons name was used 9,000 times to make donations to act blue and he voted in many states. The man had never made a donation in his life. Tens of thousands of people were used like this.
    The FEC should be all over this.

  12. I think we have attracted an actual LLM AI bot to this site posting as ANON. I’ve gathered about a short hundred posts and sent them to a buddy does computer science stuff I don’t come close to. She’s 85 % sure this is an online instance of a Large Language Model about version 3 of an instance of Chat GPT someone is running at home. I find that absolutely fascinating.

  13. @Anonymous at 3:54 pm – “…Of course there are those who never except the truth…”

    A very true statement. Most everyone here never EXcept the truth we embrace it. We do, however, ACcept the truth. Better work on your spelling and vocabulary.

    Oh and you also better learn to use the left side of your brain when trying make a point.

  14. @Lowell – “…I think we have attracted an actual LLM AI bot to this site posting as ANON…”

    After these last five or six Anon “comments”, I would agree. Totally clueless and detached from reality.


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