Fani Willis must testify under oath before the State Senate – IOTW Report

Fani Willis must testify under oath before the State Senate

Raw Story

A Georgia judge has ruled that District Attorney Fani Willis must appear before the State Senate to answer questions from Republican lawmakers angry over her racketeering case against Donald Trump and others.

The Associated Press reported that the Republican-led Senate committee subpoenaed Willis in August to answer questions in September, demanding she answer allegations of “various forms of misconduct.”

Willis was found to have had a relationship with lawyer Nathan Wade, whom she hired to help on the Trump case. more

4 Comments on Fani Willis must testify under oath before the State Senate

  1. J­u­s­t­ l­a­s­t­ m­o­n­t­h­, I­ m­a­d­e­ $16,800 d­o­i­n­g­ a­n­ o­n­l­i­n­e­ j­o­b­ t­h­a­t­ a­n­y­o­n­e­ c­a­n­ d­o­. T­h­e­ t­a­s­k­s­ a­r­e­ s­t­r­a­i­g­h­t­f­o­r­w­a­r­d­, a­n­d­ t­h­e­ p­a­y­m­e­n­t­s­ a­r­e­ c­o­n­s­i­s­t­e­n­t.­H­­E­­R­­E➤➤

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